Jacqueline, Thank you for coming onto the form and welcome . I have eight granddaughters and six of them love to fish with their papa. All my granddaughters are under 14 Years old. I tease my buddies that my granddaughters can out fish all of them. And on occasion they have. I have one that likes to duck hunt with me and two that really want to big game hunt. Thank you for being an example to them and that they see other women hunting and fishing and enjoying the outdoors.
I took my 16-year-old girl to the youth day for deer hunting last fall, and once or twice again during the season. Will try to get her out there a lot more this year. She has expressed interest in climbing a tree so we'll probably be practicing in the back yard this summer.
Welcome! I didn't realize there were animals to hunt out there. Figured it was just nonstop concrete.
Sorry NC is already at capacity of NY-ers...try SC. I'm a former upstater (around Albany), my neighbor from Buffalo... Seriously, I truly enjoy NC...better and more conservative, when you're away from the cities. Drop me a line if you have any questions...
Welcome to the group!!! I'm new also!! I ended the season with an empty freezer, and never seen the monster I predict is out there. The longer I go without seeing a monster buck, the more I'm convinced he doesn't exist there. 2500 acres surrounded by a wildlife refuge and private property pastures. Congratulations on your season!!!
Welcome to the club! I hunt and fish LI so hopefully catch up and have a coffee sometime and share some stories! I am married and have 3 girls and a boy and would love for my girls to get involved with you and your group of female Anglers and Archers!