What is your favorite fruit? I thought of this while having some rainier cherries. It is between them and prickly pears for me, but since it has been hard for me to get the prickly pears since i moved from the east coast I would have to choose rainier cherries.
I'd probably have to say raspberries too. Loved picking them at my grandparents and eating them right away. Want to have my own bushes someday. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Bananas but not the crap ones you get in grocery stores, was in Hawaii and had some that taste unlike any you can get on the mainland.
^Little of the fruit in the grocery stores is really good, imho. It's bred and chosen for long shipping and storage. Having said that, fresh golden or red raspberries, peaches, mango and papaya.
Granny smith apples and blackberries are a tie for me. Mamaw and Papaw always had them all over the farm.
Black Raspberry, Blueberry, and Fuji apples are all at the top for me. Sent from Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1