I just re-watched Season 7 Episode 20 (Karl)...love this one. Tommy shoots an awesome buck, but I love how the story plays out as well. Look it up if you haven't seen it before. Anyone else have a favorite?
The one where Justin shoots a public land buck. Pretty sure it's a public land buck. He says its on public land. I believe him that it was on public land. He doesn't usually hunt public land, but this time he's hunting on public land. He's sitting near the Mississippi, and you can hear duck hunters shooting on other areas of public land. Then all these deer run onto his area of public land. And he sticks a really nice public land buck. It even died on public land. Awesome public land buck. On public land, of all places.
My favorite episode is season 6 ep 21 where Clinton let's his brother in law shoot Cal Ripken which is a deer Clinton had been chasing for a couple of years I think. Clinton did not tell his BIL that it was him until after he shot it.
I’m not sure of season or episode number but I think it was titled take a breath. Paul Morrison shoots a buck that when they showed it in slow motion you could see air from lungs or steam or whatever it was coming out of the entrance hole. Just thought that was the coolest thing and really I guess could only be seen in slow motion. Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
My favorite episode is the one where Justin shoots the buck on the farm where he shot his first deer, I believe it is calls A good Day.
I'm gonna go with Fawcett shooting Billy The Kid on opening day shortly after his daughter passed away. For a variety of reasons I think it will be hard to top that hunt. Ever. Second would be Dean shooting a great buck in the alfalfa field early in the season in Wisconsin. I think that remains one of the most well put-together hunts we've ever had. Great story, lots of good footage, great shot, kids on the recovery, etc.
Anything with Dean. It's always well done on all fronts. I still prefer that doe of his peeing and the buck coming by shortly after. It seems planned and faked it was so perfect.
My favorite episode is the one where Justin shoots Little Mac, its one of the earlier seasons I believe. The buck jumps the creek twice and he is able to stop him and get an arrow in him.
dont know if i have a favorite episode but i have a favorite deer season 6 episode 20 the super wide buck, just a cool deer
I can’t say a favorite but a couple that stick out in my mind are the one where Dan Richardson slips in by boat and scales that steep hill and kills an old battle horse. Then the one you mentioned where Tommy kills Karl. He really had to hold his stuff together to pull that off. I was actually on the edge of my seat. And then anything Paul does is cool. He shot that great buck that got up out of his bed I think in Ohio. Also Dustin’s hunts are awesome because of the change of scenery