I switched to gatorlyte rapid rehydration type drinks. I definitely feel much better having one of these and another normal hydration drink. Meaning, my joints are less sore and avoid leg cramps that night. Since they are not caffeinated, I always chew caffeine gum. Can more easily regulate the awakeness during the critical times of the day.
I’ve been known to pack in a chocolate milk from time to time. That’s a treat! Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
I like em all, but the brand I have been preferring lately is the bucked up (brand), rocket pop. It's my daily caffeine intake in the morning. Less sodium than the rest of the energy drinks on the market, zero sugar, zero calories.
Mtn ops enduro or ignite is great for western hunting but probably wouldn’t need it in the stand. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Every now and again I'll have a Ghost energy drink and they're aren't bad. Zero sugar so you won't be fat when you die of cancer from artificial sweeteners.
I have a love hate relationship with caffeine. I Have weaned myself off all the posion(think zero calorie monsters etc) My caffeine intake consists of one super coffee a day. Its potentially a healthier option for me. They are around 10 grams of protein, 200mg of caffeine, 3g of carbs, and 70-80 calories per 12oz. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Another white monster guy here although i do like some good fresh ground gourmet coffee. Out of the French press is best. My buddy turned me into a coffee snob.
Has anyone tried that mud water mushroom coffee stuff? Im a firm believer in the power of the fungi but i try not to run out and buy the new gimmicks until i hear that they at least might kinda work maybe.
Usually don't drink energy drinks but I tried black rifle coffee expresso with cream and thats my new favorite. I usually just have a cup of coffee in the morning but now I have been buying black rifle coffee.
Lotta sugar in those BRCC drinks! Otherwise, they're pretty good. 200 mg of caffeine is at the upper end of how much I can tolerate without feeling too jittery. I typically take one scoop of 1st Phorm megawatt before I work out, and that's 150 mg, which seems to be my sweet spot. Just enough to get me going but not enough to make me feel like I'm going to die.
Yeah I tried the big can of black rifle the other day that had 400 mg and I was so jittery then just crashed and felt like crap. The 200mg is just about right for me.
I tried it. I didn’t put much effort into experimenting with it but I wasn’t a fan. To be fair coffee has had a few decades head start in winning me over. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Traveling last week we stopped for gas and a pick me up and I tried the Black Riffle 300. It was actually a good taste for a cold coffee.
I usually avoid anything but water. That said, I now drink electrolytes when out and about Redman immune in mixed berry I like and LMNT citrus ans grapefruit is good.
I really like the taste of Red Bull. But it doesn't really give me energy. If there is enough movement in the woods or the fields. I don't need an energy drink.