If I could hunt them every year it would be Elk, they are amazing, huge, screaming, interactive and more but since I cannot, It would be the whitetailed deer!
whitetail deer, but then again I have only killed them and some squirrels with the bow..but they certainly get my attention..
Dream animal for me is a Rocky Mountain elk :D, but right now it is deffiantly the whitetail I love all the aspects of hunting them!
I like to hunt animals that breathe..... i've never hunted elk (gun or bow), I think that would be my ultimate... a close second would be the Grizz, but i'm a bit paranoid to even try that with a bow
I like to hunt the animal(s) that can hunt back. If, for some reason, I were denied this priviledge, then elk would be my choice.
whitetailis my first choice since i haven't hunted any other big game animal, but i would really like to hunt wild hogs. then i guess bunnies would be second
Definitely whitetail. But my dream is to bowhunt elk someday, hopefully I can get drawn with my cousin..
I love hunting deer but there is just something about the "POP" when you shoot a arrow through a turkey.
Whitetails for me forshure BUT if i got the chance i would love to hunt bear..i think that would be an awsome experince
Currently Whitetail as that's all I know - and I really do enjoy hunting them. I have no doubt that Elk will surpass the deer though after next falls hunt...and then someday Bighorn Sheep and/or Goats could end up as my favorite...I think the higher in elevation I can hunt, the more I will enjoy it - I have always Loved the mountains!
Elk and deer. They both offer differant challenges and it's a completely differant kind of hunting. I love Elk hunting in the rockies but if elk hunting was in the midwest I beleive I would like whitetails better.
I have only hunted whitetail and bear with bow. Out of those two whitetail is my favorite. My dream hunt would be a big moose in the Yukon