Nice find Chev! These are from a trip to Missouri last spring. Saw lots of deer but didn't find a lot of bone. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Found this one about an hour ago walking across the creek bottom here at home. Ten points on one side!
DrawBackBowhunting: "Wow!", that's all I can say! Smiling, because I now how that feels...almost as pumped as if you shot it, huh?!
Not a shed, but one of the most hidden finds I've eve spotted. This nice 8 pt dead head was all wrapped up under some cattails and grass. I spotted the rib cage and upon further investigation realized it was a decent buck. Makes a guy wonder how many sheds and deads we walk past. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
No pictures of him last year. I think he was by the farmers house and they asked me to stay out of their because his wife has dementia and she would get upset if you drove up the driveway.
Found this dandy 10 point set last weekend on some public I hunt in north eastern WI. Fun day. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk