I'll admit, I LOVE playing sports. I will play anything from golf, to basketball, to ladder golf lol. However, I could never get into fantasy sports. My good buddy keeps trying to get me to join his online leagues, but I dunno, I can't do it. I don't follow any sport ENOUGH to draft a solid team. You guys that talk about it on here, as well as my friends, know like every team stat, every player stat, etc. Not sure how you do it, but it's impressive. So, what's the draw to this?
It's an excuse for grown men to play. I love fantasty football. What's not to like? It involved following the NFL, which I love, and it involves some strategic thinking. Every year, for my "real" FF team (sorry BH guys...), me and all my buddies get together, order pizza, drink beer, and have our draft. We all put $20 down, and the winner gets the prize money. It's a great time.
I have 2 other leagues that i do every year, one is at a local bar, and another is online. Both are loads of fun, and its a great way to "get to know" the NFL. After a year of competitive FF, you will know most everything about every player. Its just something to do for fun.... My yahoo resume: Two bad years, my rookie year, and the year i had 4 teams. Add 2 online teams this year for 1st place :D
It's addicting. My productivity at work falls from somewhere around 5% to in the neighborhood of 0.6% during football season due to FF.
I have 2 other leagues as well. One is pretty in depth keeper league while the other starts from scratch yearly. In the keeper league all the owners get together to draft, hang out, order pizza, etc
My one other online league is a full defensive player league as well. I love having to start DL's, LB's and DB's, it makes every .01 of a point count!
Its ok if you don't know every stat, im the same way but this is my first year and it shows because my team sucks.
IF Crabtree had signed and was going to play he MIGHT be able to pass it as a sleeper pick, but a WR not in camp and probably wont sign until the start of the season....sry can't even justify it.