I'm looking at the fanny packs with the suspension systems, similar to the Badlands Monster pack. My question is is there any way to use the suspension system and have your pack ride in front? I like my fanny pack now because it rides in front and stays out of the way of my climber that's on my back but it's getting heavy and is uncomfortable around my waist. So do you guys with climbers use the suspension system? If so how do you go about it?
I have a Monster fanny pack, and it works awesome with a climber. You can actually adjust the pack height so that it stays below most of the climber. It doesn't get in the way at all despite being behind you. First week I had the pack and climber, I did a several mile hike with both of them while scouting new property and getting some trees trimmed for the climber. They packed together really really well. If you look, there is a great review that is posted here in the blogs section about this exact pack, and should you decide to try the Monster pack Justin and Todd are selling them here as well. http://www.bowhunting.com/blog/post/2008/09/30/Badlands-e2809cMonstere2809d-fanny-pack.aspx
Yep I read the review earlier today and kind of got my mind going. I was looking at the Blacks Creek Whitetail pack, also sold here. I'll have to try putting my pack now on with my climber. I have an API and it seems to sit kind of low on my back. I probably need to adjust it so that it rides higher and probably more comfortably.
Yeah, I don't have experience with the Blacks Creek pack, but adjust the climber so it rides high, and it should be fine. It's OK if it rides over the pack a bit too, doesn't affect me with my Monster pack at all.