Well everyone first of all I am humbled by the kind words, and I read everyone of the replys in the teaser post. Thank you Thank you!! Im sorry for not texting everyone on my contact list, you are all equal in my eyes, but I couldnt get much done if I was replying all the time :D SO if you dont like LONG read, skip this and move to the pics. Im going to start the story back in December of last season. I had hunted hard last year and ended up getting on 6-7 p&y contenders, but as usual something always went wrong and I never let an arrow fly. I studied some arials and decided on a bottleneck between two strip pits that was butted up to a bedding area and was several hundred yards back off a picked corn field food source. With 10 minutes of shooting light left one evening I start hearing antlers clashing close but cant see them. finally out walks 5 bucks that had grouped back together, and three were shooters. One was a big 7 point (remember this later in story) one was wierd and very palmented and his points pointed out to the side like a moose and thats the name he received. and the other was just big with a chocolate rack (my buck) as my luck goes I was perched in a very large pine tree and these guys were behind where i couldnt shoot. Light faded and they moved on to food. Fast forward to 2/9/08, Im shed hunting where Im thinking these guys bed and lord and behold I find my first matching set of the year 5 feet apart, and they still have fresh blood and wax ring intact. I notice the right G-2 has a funky split at the top and both tips have tiny acorn points making them look like teranchala fangs. He gets the nickname Fang and both brows are snapped off. Lets get to this season, but ill just give you the last week's worth. Im now hunting an area just ate up with fresh scrapes, 7 in all and rubs everywhere the size of my arms. The first sit at first light I hear tipy toes in the leaves for the longest time but cant see the spot. My wind shifts slightly and I get winded. I wait three days, go back with a good wind and same scene, at first light, tipy toes in the leaves for 20 minutes, wind shifts and im busted again I wait for several days, go back and wouldnt you know it, tipy toes in leaves but this time my wind holds tight and after an hour a 120-125" 8 point steps into view at 25 yards but I cant shoot where he is at. He ended up getting behind me and got my wind. I nicknamed him sneak peak because he would never come to the scrapes but hang back peak at them. This time I decided I needed to move the stand and figured sp was gone for good. First sit was a morning again and sp never showed but a 6 point walked under me, and some Does came in followed by a spike, and then at 9:00 a 110" 8 came in and got a free pass. Went back in early for an evening hunt and the first buck that showed was sneak peak. He was headed straight for me and stopped at 25 and did his peaking act at the scrapes. finally he started heading behind me where I was preparing for the shot and suddenly he does a U turn and heads back. Im thinking great here we go again but now I see a Doe on the hill behind him, he checks her and leaves. Now a spike comes in and chases some Does and they leave. Time passed and all of the sudden all hell breaks loose, I here chasing, and here the longest loudest grunt I have ever heard. Its the big 7 point from the first part of the story. His body is enourmous and his rack is now way wider that it was last year. The Does come by me at 20 but he breaks off and never comes by (the curse continues) I name him Harley, because he sounded over camed and was loud :D Now to the best day in my 30 years of bowhunting. I get out of bed and swear to the man, tell my wife I have that feeling again, this is going to be the day I bring a Big guy home. I get in very early that morning and, one hour after light I see a lone Doe bust out of the thicket with tail up. My wind is good I now hear leaves rustling and as I was grabbing my bow two coyotes get by me before I can shoot, thats why she ran. Then all is still for awhile and started to feel like a bad day. Finally a Doe and bb walk directly benith me and move on. about 9:15 I grab the horns and do my best to imitate two bucks fighting followed by some mature grunting. Just as im hanging the horns up I see a lone Doe that looks like she is going away from me but suddenly she turns and is comming straight at me, ends up there was a buck comming and she ran into him, He is grunting and is now in tow of her. He is a neat looking 10 point with long 4 inch perfect crab claws and looked to be around 125-130" The Doe ends up directly under me and he is standing there staring at her for 10 minutes. I waiting for my shot when the Doe just bolts away leaving him there. suddenly he acts nervous, looks like he seen a Ghost and tarts walking backwards then bolts and runs like the wind Im thing great, the curse continues. Suddenly I hear a lone leafe crunch over my left shoulder and turn my head slowly There is a chocolate horned bruiser 12 yards from me, hair bristled up, posturing and walking like he is gaulded :D He had heard the rattling, came in, found the Doe and ten point and went into kick ass mode. Problem,,,,,he is going directly under my stand. Im freaking about him smelling the base of my tree, but the Doe that was just there left a more interesting odor for him I look down and see 6 points on one side then block it out and worry about how im going to do this. He now begins backtracking here from where she came from and has to go under a deadfall pine that she had to duck under when she came through at 6 yards. Ill never forget this, he had to belly crawl just to get his body and head gear under there, and this is when I started my draw. He got through at 10 yards but I had one tiny limb in the way and couldnt shoot. Finally at 12 yards and facing directly away I had to go for the and I hate this, back shot angling into the chest. It went directly where I wanted it, and all but 4" was in him, as he ran the luminock looked like a red beacon on his back. after 70 yards I lost sight of him and heard a loud crash, then nothing. The shakes started and replays in my head about the shot. In my mind it was golden but decided to wait an hour just incase. In the back of mind I was wondering, could that be Fang but wasnt sure. I started texting but my large fingers :D and the shaking was not working. I went home, got with my neighbor buddy and fellow hunter and invited him for the recovery as I might need extra eyes. I decided to bring those sheds just incase. As expected, at first no blood but after 25 yards tiny pin head blood specs turned up but soon turned into fist size with bubbles. I was getting excited but at the same time worried because we were now to the spot where I thought I heard him crash but didnt see him. The blood stopped but then I noticed it turned left and as I looked left there he lay not 10 yards from in a low depression in the ground Im sure you know the rest, jumping and high fives. I couldnt believe it, when I grabbed him he was bigger than I thought and sure enough it was Fang. It was 30 years comming and a dream come true. All I wanted was a 120 buck butt got trhis instead and with a matched set of sheds to boot. Ill give you more pics now, sorry for the looong story. He weighed 208 FD and im getting ready to score him Me and my buddy Harold, he shoots a Hoyt but thats ok, I made him hold my Bowtech :D He has the same blading but only snapped one brow this time instead of both but his G-2 split way up this time and no longer has the fangs. He still kept the crab claw to Bowhunting.com wraps As found, with arrow stuck in brisket. It got both lungs and didnt touch the guts
Hey bro, I was pimping my DM edition hat :D Its a big spider with fangs :D Hey I left alot of the shed story out for u, In case you were serious about a wright up
Awesome story, and wow is that an incredible buck. Way to get it done and go with your instinct on a shot like that, it paid of for you man! Congrats
Again congrats on an awesome animal! The ones that have a story and some extra work put into them feel a lot more special in the end.
Way to go Dink! Great story to go with a great buck. I've always dreamed of killing a nice deer and having both sheds. Trouble is, I can't find sheds OR kill nice bucks. :D Congrats again!
Damn danny... that deer is awesome. Congrats, congrats, congrats! Now I'm gonna need a score so I can determine what I need to let walk this weekend. :D Well done fingers!
Awesome! What a great read (and I read it all on my cell screen lol). That is a monster and what an accomplishment crick! You, sir, earned it.
Congrats Dan, you deserve it. Like i said before, its gonna be hard for somebody to beat this story. Congrats again.
Dan, fantastic story and it bring it's full circle. You had a great day, a wonderful hunt and now you have a full incredible memory which will adorn your wall for life. You deserve it as well as deserving a huge congratulations. Well done sir.
Dan, congrats again and great story. I love when guys develop a history with a deer and end up taking that deer. That buck is an absolute stud. Great job buddy.
hahahah that's funny ! just about spit my coffee out there Justin! Dan, just simply awesome bud, way to go! Thats gonna be one awesome mount.. great story.. loved it all! I'd have taken that shot too.. nice work!