Had I been in that line I'd of just ponied up the mans cost and turned and left, doesn't sound like the kind of business people I would support with my patronage. On a side note if you ever want to make someones day,next time your out eating breakfast, anonymously pick up the tab for a couple of elderly people on your way out. They will talk about it for weeks.
The problem with this is: Where does it begin and end for businesses? Do all current and past soldiers get in free? Just ones that were injured? What if they were injured in Vietnam? Should they get into all businesses free (movies, golf courses, theme parks, etc) or just certain businesses. If businesses should allow free intrance to these servicemen/women then should other businesses provide free services also? Free oil changes?
Perhaps if the folks had called the park ahead of time and explained what was going on, then all the misunderstanding could have been avoided. But to just show with expectations. I am sure they use a modified van to transport this young man around. Will they show up at a garage and expect free service on the van? Like Bawanajim, most of us would like to help, given the the freedom to choose how and the opportunity, but for them to just show up and expect it is a bit much.
I think the park was right. They sell admission to the park,how much you particapate is not up to them. I do respect the service this man gave for our country but there has to be a line somewhere so everybody doesn't try and get a free pass.
I couldn't disagree more with the park .... they suck, period! They didn't respect that guy's service ... they worship their mighty dollar ...their god .... it turns my stomach and makes me sick. They shoulda let the guy in .....this country is on a decline like noone has ever seen ...