I think I got the avatar to work. Regarding scents, I have only used deer urine taken from a friend's deer. A huge buck caught the scent, came straight in to 25 yds then freaked out and left. Two smaller bucks inhaled it like candy.
I guess not really your own deer pee but I remember seeing a guy make 'buck lure' and it involved vodka and cutting open the nuts of a buck you have killed. Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
Lol, I'd need a good shot or 20 of vodka to go that route. Tarsals would be the way to go for natural scents. I've never actually done it, but I know the tarsal glands can be some of the foulest smelling aspects of dressing out a buck and even a doe during the rut. A lot of gunters cut them off and place in ziplocs to freeze and either hang as attractants or aide in cover scent. I had spent some good money on preordered estrous urine from a local deer farm, but cannot say it worked or did not work. Actually had it out on scentwicks when I killed, at the time, my best buck to date. Ordered it a couple years in a row and was supposed to be bottled within a day or 3 of arrival, guaranteed fresh. Then seen an episode of Larry the Cable Guy's show, can't remember what it was called, where he went to this exact deer farm and I watched their collection practices. Haven't ordered a bottle since and haven't seen any negative results, hunts have been the same.
I've used tarsal glands. Had some pretty decent success with them too. Sent from my XT1254 using Bowhunting.com Forums mobile app
This! I took a set off of a buddy of mine's buck and used them. Stored them in a Ziploc bag and would use them in scrapes and where I was hunting. Had a few bucks visit the scrapes after dark, but only does and young bucks would walk up and smell them while I was hunting. Sent from my coordinates using UnicornFarts
Sorry I've been so scarce on here. A lot of things came up in the last week or so that I wasn't planning on. Much too stressful and time consuming.
Well 0-1 on the city hunts I applied for. Turns out there were 29 applicants, they picked 25, and I was not one of them. I hope that's not a sign of how my luck will go this season. Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
Well that sucks! Maybe there's a bigger buck where you were going to hunt and the city hunt would have prevented you from taking it. Just maybe!
Hey guys look me up on facebook.... https://www.facebook.com/jason.phillips.9659 Sent from my SM-G935R4 using Bowhunting.com Forums mobile app
Hung a stand today. I've yet to kill a deer in this area but have had SO many close calls it's ridiculous. Hopefully it happens this year. I watched Todd's antelope hunt on BHOD and saw a nice whitetail in velvet. My Wyoming tag is in that area and I might actually be in that same tree. There are several good bucks on that property so maybe I'll get a shot at one.
Am I the only one that is completely unprepared for the season? This summer has been exceptionally busy and I haven't stepped foot on my hunting area this year. I guess I'm going with the "less pressure" approach.
I always do my ground work every year. I have my access route that HAS to be cleared (wild rose, dead falls/branches), so I can set my cams, this is the same route I use when I hunt. I've used it for so long, the deer use it too.
I haven't had a chance to get out to cut lanes or anything this year. It's fairly open where my stand is, but the other ones not so much. I'll see if I can get out this weekend to start making it a little easier to move.
I'm all set and ready I'll probably head out this weekend to check trail cams one last time before season opener in Wisconsin September 16th Sent from my SM-G935R4 using Bowhunting.com Forums mobile app
I'm heading out Saturday to check trail cameras and fix our feeder. Counting the days down to MD opener and my trip to Colorado. This is no better time if the year! Sent from my XT1254 using Bowhunting.com Forums mobile app
Going to hang a stand and check a cam in the morning since it will be raining. Won't be putting any food out since it has to be gone 10 days before hunting. I will be starting a mock scrape in place of food though. I've had luck with them bringing in some nice deer in the past.