We gave it a hell of a run guys, think this one is put to rest. Would take a 145" buck at the tail end of January to win it. Pretty sure both early in and Hammer sat their last sits. Been an awesome year for us regardless, no bowing in shame here!
Unfortunately didn't see anything yesterday. That pretty much wraps up my season. It was a fun season. Sent from my Moto Z (2) using Bowhunting.com Forums mobile app
You guys had us on Team 3 worried for sure! Way to go all of you! Been a good and bad year for me. Got the nice buck then could not get another one after that! Then this guy shows up after season ends.
I had a great time being on team 4 with you guys this season! We gave it hell fellows, so we should be proud of our efforts.
Closing this thread down with my next to last post in it, will update with how the big buck contest went that was hosted by one of my works vendors. Anyhow, once again want to reitterate it was a pleasure competing with you all, any other year we'd be doing it again next year and accepting all the congrats. We left no points on the table and everyone hunted until the end. Nothing to be discouraged by. We'll always be Legends, champions are only as good as their last season. Good luck next season to everyone, was a great feeling to be competitive for a change.
What a great year for everyone it was a pleasure...best of luck to everyone in 2018...if anyone wants to stay in touch with me other than this look me up on Facebook...until next time shoot straight and be safe Sent from my SM-G935R4 using Bowhunting.com Forums mobile app
The fix may be in, fearing shenanigans may be afoot. Got an email late January the buck contest I entered through work would be ending Jan. 31st and haven't heard anything since. Today I replied back to that email in regards to whether winner's had already been notified. Here was the response "We should be selecting a winner next week. We extended the deadline because my original email out about the deadline went out only to a portion of the contestants. The new deadline is at the end of this week. Should pick and announce sometime next week. We will announce a winner via email, and the updated scores/winners will be posted on our site. " The reason I am suspicious is because a new email was never sent out to everyone stating the deadline was extended. Seems they may be catering to someone or trying to get more than the 6 entries already entered. No new entries have went up on the entry page, so I'll be curious to see how this pans out. Not feeling optimistic about even a 3rd place finish anymore. I'll update next week, maybe the lucky winner finally found those sheds
12 days after the contest "deadline" this one shows up. Won't be entering it next year, probably just a marketing ploy. Can't wait to see what shows up over the next few days
I think it's amazing that any state allows a hunter to kill two bucks in the same season. You're fortunate!
Well, I'm a winner. Just don't know what place I finished in. Supposed to be announced sometime tonight.
No clue how the heck they came up with the scores, but 3rd it is. Really would like to know how they came up with listed scores. No way his buck was that much bigger than mine.
Me too!!!!! Those bucks are nowhere near those scores, if they are indeed supposed to be antler scores. I'm wondering if they aren't body weights?
No clue. They included body weight in the summary. It was a normal scoring sheet, I entered the same measurements I took for this contest. Its been obvious for awhile they don't know what they're doing, but I'll take the feee money either way