I agree with that, but they'll use up one food source and move to the next, which leaves me scratching my head. I say that because last week they were in my area, with deer crap everywhere, and pics on my cam. I hunted it the following day and didn't see a deer. There is still wild rose left in the area. I'm going to hunt tomorrow evening while there's still snow cover, so I can see exactly what has been in the area, or not.
It's crazy that our season is over and bucks are still after does. Day after season closed here, I had a spike working a scrape on camera. I also seen a 2 yo 6 point dogging a doe when I went to pull cards. Oh well, maybe next season... Sent from my LG-LS777 using Bowhunting.com Forums mobile app
I wasn't able to get into the woods the other day, but I'm going to hunt this evening and also check my cam. We'll see.
Was out today from 2:30PM til dark and didn't see a deer. I only had a couple doe on my cam. I think that will probably do it for me for the season, hunting wise. I killed a doe early in (pun) the season on the acorns and let a couple small, but legal bucks live another day. So, I'm happy with my year.
Looks like @Hammer1171 is our last hope. Not down by much, but this late in the season its a long shot. Just don't drag him out by the ntlers
Well being a govt employee, if these assholes in Washington can't come to a compromise and pass a funding bill I will have some time to hunt this week. Sent from my Moto Z (2) using Bowhunting.com Forums mobile app
Well.... One day of shutdown and going to make the most of it. Just got in the stand. Here's to one last time before the season closes out. Sent from my Moto Z (2) using Bowhunting.com Forums mobile app
No luck boys. Might go again Saturday. Sent from my Moto Z (2) using Bowhunting.com Forums mobile app
I might get out there once more after all, since it's been so warm. I know, I know, I said I was done, but one of the guys I work with made me feel guilty (without knowing he did) about not sticking it out until the very end, Sat. I'll post when I go.
Wish there was something I could do to help you guys out, has to be the hardest hunting of the year. Just have to find that desired food source and hope they hit it with shooting light. Rooting for ya both, but none the less we gave it everything we could. Every member contributed points, think that may be a first for me on a team. Wish we could regroup and hold the team togsther one more season. We shattered the previous record score as well as team 3, and less than a solid deer behind. Regardless of the outcome, we are Legends!
It's been fun. I wish I could enter my elk kill. Those points would allow us to eclipse everyone. He scored 308 1/8. Sent from my Moto Z (2) using Bowhunting.com Forums mobile app
I am definitely down to see if we could regroup next year! I think it would be fun! Plus it would add a little more rivalry for us and team three since we both broke the previous record. Went out yesterday with my brother for the last deer of muzzleloader season here in Texas thus ending my Texas season. Arkansas is open until the end of February but I honestly think I am going end my season there as well. I’m really looking forward scouting and putting in time to find a 140-150 inch class on some public. Might be an unrealistic goal but I am going to try! Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums