Should have sit at property 1 Saturday morning. Look who showed up at the new stand location... Sent from my N9518 using Forums mobile app
Wow, look at those G2's. They have to be at least 12" long. I sure hope you get to see him when your in stand.
Well just got to my girlfriends brother in laws place. Drove 2.5 hours after my night shift. Going to catch a few zzzzs and hunt this evening. He’s been getting a lot of pics but all pretty late. Going to hang a double set and he’s going to film for me so should be fun. Don’t know how productive these hunts will be because it’s pretty warm the next couple days (30ish) but you don’t know until you’re out there. Sent from my iPhone using Forums
Here are better quality pics of him. Those were just screen shot off my phone. He is a very good deer for my area. I'm hoping to connect with him, but if he makes it through the season I wouldn't be upset. I'm pretty sure I've finally figured out his travel pattern through this property. There is still almost a month left of season to seal the deal. Sent from my N9518 using Forums mobile app
I believe this is the same buck from back in July. Same path of travel across the property in between two different scrapes I have him on camera. Mid July First scrape I found. Second scrape. Then the pics from the other day from scrape number 3, 4, and 5 down the ridge behind him. I've basically connected the dots of his travel route. Surprised to see him on the same path as back in July. There is a lot of doe bedding in the area, so I'm guessing that's why. Sent from my N9518 using Forums mobile app
I understand your dilemma. He looks like a 3.5 year old. If he doesn't get shot this year, he will most likely really blow up next year. I still say if you see him, shoot him. Another year older will mean another year wiser and harder to hunt. I have been after a buck in Ohio for 3 years. He is now 7.5 years old and will most likely start going down hill. He is just so smart that, he out wits me all the time.
I'm thinking the same on his age. If given the opportunity, I'll take him and be proud to do so. He's no giant, but he's bigger than anything I've ever taken. He's got to be pretty smart to live as long as he has around here. Most people around this area shoot whatever, but there's one neighboring property that practices QDMA (+4 year old). He seems to be coming from that property as well, so there is a good chance for him to make it. That is unless I have an opportunity of course. Sent from my N9518 using Forums mobile app
I suck. No deer again tonight. Somehow I still have a good feeling about tomorrow Sent from my iPhone using Forums
The sign out here is unreal. They just aren’t moving until after dark. Sent from my iPhone using Forums
The Major moon times are starting to come back in, so you should start seeing more daylight movement.
Can someone explain the moon to me? I have heard stuff but I have also heard that the moon has no effect on deer movement? Sent from my iPhone using Forums
Sorry After the sun spun to light, the planets of the solar system began to form. But it took another hundred million years for Earth's moon to spring into existence. There are three theories as to how our planet's satellite could have been created: the giant impact hypothesis, the co-formation theory and the capture theory. The prevailing theory supported by the scientific community, the giant impact hypothesis suggests that the moon formed when an object smashed into early Earth. Like the other planets, Earth formed from the leftover cloud of dust and gas orbiting the young sun. The early solar system was a violent place, and a number of bodies were created that never made it to full planetary status. One of these could have crashed into Earth not long after the young planet was created. Known as Theia, the Mars-sized body collided with Earth, throwing vaporized chunks of the young planet's crust into space. Gravity bound the ejected particles together, creating a moon that is the largest in the solar system in relation to its host planet. This sort of formation would explain why the moon is made up predominantly of lighter elements, making it less dense than Earth — the material that formed it came from the crust, while leaving the planet's rocky core untouched. As the material drew togetheraround what was left of Theia's core, it would have centered near Earth's ecliptic plane, the path the sun travels through the sky, which is where the moon orbits today. According to NASA, "When the young Earth and this rogue body collided, the energy involved was 100 million times larger than the much later event believed to have wiped out the dinosaurs." Although this is the most popular theory, it is not without its challenges. Most models suggest that more than 60 percent of the moon should be made up of the material from Theia. But rock samples from the Apollo missions suggest otherwise. "In terms of composition, the Earth and moon are almost twins, their compositions differing by at most few parts in a million," Alessandra Mastrobuono-Battisti, an astrophysicist at the Israel Institute of Technology in Haifa, told "This contradiction has cast a long shadow on the giant-impact model." Mastrobuono-Battisti's team was able to create a model that suggested that Theia and the Earth shouldn't be as widely different as previously thought. In 2017, Israeli researchers proposed that a rain of small debris fell on Earth to create the moon. "The multiple-impact scenario is a more natural way of explaining the formation of the moon," Raluca Rufu, a researcher at the Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel and lead author of the study, told "In the early stages of the solar system, impacts were very abundant; therefore, it is more natural that several common impactors formed the moon, rather than one special one.
I think you left out the 1 and only true theory. God created. Genesis chapter 1 14Then God said, “Let there be lights in the expanse of the heavens to separate the day from the night, and let them be for signs and for seasons and for days and years; 15and let them be for lights in the expanse of the heavens to give light on the earth”; and it was so. 16God made the two great lights, the greater light to govern the day, and the lesser light to govern the night; He made the stars also. 17God placed them in the expanse of the heavens to give light on the earth, 18and to govern the day and the night, and to separate the light from the darkness; and God saw that it was good. 19There was evening and there was morning, a fourth day. Sent from my iPhone using Forums
Aaron, these links are a good starting point to understanding the moon and it's effect on deer movement.
I gotta know, is this the short version? Normally you're pretty "lengthy" in a description................... Nice answer cls!!! Have you ever tried out for Jeopardy?