Thought you were already pointed out, don't forget the 2 contest photo's. Hopefully @jjnowak can get his score in as well
Lots my favorite arrow shooting at the first doe. It’s under all this brush and I can’t find it Ya ya I know it’s an arrow but still. I have killed 4 deer with it Sent from my iPhone using Forums
If you got 4 deer with it, then you got your money's worth. The 2nd arrow just became your New Favorite Arrow.
Well guys, I got worried. Very little blood. Arrow was good and had good blood. I found only a few spots of blood. Then I made it to where I last saw her. I saw a puddle of blood. Then nothing. Finally I look over in the tall grass and see blood stains on the stalks. Twenty yards in the tall grass, there she is Sent from my iPhone using Forums
Congrats Aaron! I've taken a couple days to recharge and haven't hunted. Thinking about going for a sit at property 1 this evening since it's less than a mile from the house. Not expecting much activity, but you never know. Sent from my N9518 using Forums mobile app
Going to pull the stand I saw the buck from last night. I work this weekend but will be getting out Monday and Tuesday evenings. Going to be hunting a place where there are actually crops and a concentrated food source. If that doesn’t produce I’ll be back in this spot every chance I get until the season ends at the end of the year. Sent from my iPhone using Forums
Coheley did it on a big buck few years there are two from the forums with the special tactic LOL! Congrats Aaron!
Seriously thinking about grabbing my climber and setting up on the other side of the property. Not much activity in the other stand locations over the last few days. Sent from my N9518 using Forums mobile app
It worked like a charm too!! I think I was easier than a deer cart actually. Thank you!! Sent from my iPhone using Forums
That bike has been baptized in blood. That’s an awesome picture. Sent from my iPhone using Forums
And it literally came right off with some water! I think the bike is the way to go from now on!! Sent from my iPhone using Forums