Rain has set in for the day. Here are some videos off the trail camera. First video is when he first showed up. At 8 seconds in he is snort wheezing. Second video is him working the scrape. Picture of the scrape. Sent from my N9518 using Bowhunting.com Forums mobile app
I would definitely try some calling and snort wheezing while your hunting that spot. If he's actively doing it, he may think another buck has come into his territory. Good looking Buck though. I hope you can get a crack at him.
Thanks. Yea, this is the spot where I saw the group of 5 bucks last week. They are feeding up through the same area each night. The stand I was hunting was just a bit too far from where they were coming through. But, with the new tree I'll be hunting, I will be RIGHT where I need to be! I just need Mother Nature to help me out a little bit.
Most definitely. I am hoping he will come through freshening scrapes tomorrow morning after this rain. Tomorrow is also the same day I shot at a buck similar last season. Same date and conditions as last year. Looking forward to what's in store for the morning sit! Sent from my N9518 using Bowhunting.com Forums mobile app
Team 4 12/6/17 7:53am Equipment in sig Came in working a scrape, perfect broadside shot at 25yds. Went 40yds and crashed Score to be determined Only thing missing is you and your bow. Good luck!
I'm hoping to connect on a good one. Been bow only for the last 10+ years and I have yet to tag a mature buck (3.5 and older here). I have killed a few bucks many years ago with both shotgun and bow, but nothing mature. I have encounters and shots, but it just hasn't come together yet. It's been tough, but wouldn't change it for anything. It's just going to make it that much sweeter when it happens. Sent from my N9518 using Bowhunting.com Forums mobile app
Don't forget the good luck charm, worked for me when I got mine. I put out 6 scent wicks, 2 tinks and 4 wildlife research. The wildlife research worked best as 2 small bucks came out and both smelled the same 2, one I had hanging on a limb and another on a weed 2 feet off the ground. 2nd one went to a third one and nosed it around a few times. Became a little more of a believer that morning.
I did a couple scrapes with the Windpro scent things I’ve seen a couple times. Nothing came to them, but that could also be because I put them into late.
I've been wanting to try them. I've always used Tink's power scrape with the dripper. I get deer to them, just not when I'm there. Sent from my N9518 using Bowhunting.com Forums mobile app
This dude has been showing up. Got another pic of him on 11/25. Sent from my Moto Z (2) using Bowhunting.com Forums mobile app
I will be in the stand all day Saturday. . Hopefully he's still around. Sent from my Moto Z (2) using Bowhunting.com Forums mobile app
I wish that were the case. I got in yesterday at 1:30PM with literally perfect conditions, I thought for sure I was going to see some activity! My stand location couldn't be better. I heard a couple in the thick stuff, but never saw one. I WILL be back in there this afternoon. Like I said, I don't give up easily. I figured I have roughly 150 hours on stand (this includes Ohio) so far this season, at some point the odds have to swing in my favor.