Not near enough, I know that. I don't really keep track of hours too much, but I'd guess somewhere around 30 for the whole season.
Seen a stud at 5:00 this evening at property 2 couple hundred yards across the field. He chased a doe onto the neighboring property and 15 minutes later I hear a shot. Hoping it wasn't the deer I seen. He would definitely put us back towards the top. Sent from my N9518 using Forums mobile app
Well I’m shooting anything that comes in range. The downside is depending on what area I shoot it I might have to use my either sex tag on it. Sent from my iPhone using Forums
Depending on how many potential entries we have left. Going with the idea of 160 for @jjnowak 's buck, that puts us down by a doe and a 100" buck. Or three does or however you want to do the math. From the sounds of things on the thread, somewhere in the neiborhood of 125" is moderately realistic. Just where my head is going with it, but I also can't remember who still has what kind of entries left.
Got a big rain front moving in tomorrow around 10-11am. Going to give property 1 a sit for a few hours in the morning before it gets here. I'm still grinding hard at it guys. We got this! Sent from my N9518 using Forums mobile app
I am definitely getting one more down this year. I am working hard on this new property to find the deer. I have already walk over 10 miles on the new property. There is sign everywhere but I have also found quite a bit of hunting pressure. Going to borrow a bike so I can go deeper in the property Sent from my iPhone using Forums
Sitting at property 1 this morning. Nothing moving since daylight here, but they were all night. Look who finally showed up and he ended up working the scrape. Will post videos later. Sent from my N9518 using Forums mobile app
I haven't got a midday picture on this property since late August/early September. I usually don't get daylight pictures here, but I do see them occasionally. Sent from my N9518 using Forums mobile app
Well, if the rain continues to hold off I'll be in for an evening hunt today. Sunday (no hunting day in Pa) I was able to get into where I've seen activity the last three sits and prepped a stand site (shooting lanes) right where I know several bucks have been feeding just before dark. I'm PRAYING the rain will hold off just long enough. I really believe I'll get a shot at a buck if the stars align. I'll keep you all updated.