Thanks for doing this, was this just the scorecard entries? I wasn't sure on how to do it, scouring through team threads there are still bucks not posted I believe.
I'm liking the look of that score! I'm hoping I can add to it before January. Sent from my N9518 using Forums mobile app
I made a spreadsheet with all of the the team players and names. I only entered those that were entered on the official entry thread.
I'm after a buck since my doe entry. My buddy just called and said he shot (gun) a buck. Said he came running to the doe bleat. Sent from my N9518 using Forums mobile app
Team 3 looks to be the only one that has a buck not entered for their team. I'd gyess roughly 125-130'ish, csn't tell if he is a 9 or 8. Right side looks like might be a G3 behind a 4?
You know you should always have love and respect for your dad, he did bring you into this world. If it were me in this situation I would probably do all that I could to set my dad up for the best opportunity to take this big buck on the property. Even if you have to pass up a shot opportunity on this buck for your dads success it would be the right thing to do. I cant imagine the guilt you may feel if you shot the big boy and took that opportunity away from you dad, a thing like that could haunt you for the rest of your life.
I'm pretty sure that's an 8 point but I don't think it will go over 125. I'm guessing closer to 115 - 120.
Here's the top 10. TEAM SCORE TEAM 4 1,292.625 TEAM 15 1,025.500 TEAM 3 1,007.875 TEAM 22 837.625 TEAM 9 814.625 TEAM 20 765.500 TEAM 18 718.000 TEAM 23 705.000 TEAM 27 688.375
Yeah, I adjusted down with a 125-130, after looking a bit more I agree with 120-125. It looks like his G3 is a bit bladed rather than a second point hidden. Decent mass and those brows will add a couple extra inches.
Hogwash, kill 'em tomorrow so you can grin across the mashed potatoes at the Thanksgiving dinner table and say "I shot the big one!" Looking like this.... that's what it's all about!
I have nothing but love and respect for both of my parents. They mean the world to me. My only points with the buck I saw are 1. He told me to shoot it if I see it again. And 2. He got one a couple years ago that scored 154-5/8” (I think) with a muzzleloader. We have talked about it numerous times, and he and I are both happy to just have each other to enjoy this together. We don’t care who gets the big one or who has the most. It’s more important to us that we get to spend the time together.
Got set up about an hour ago. Came in and hung another stand on property 2 just on the edge of bedding/thicket and a scrape line. Maybe a new strategy will pay off this evening. Sent from my N9518 using Forums mobile app
I'm back from Ohio, but didn't kill a buck. Passed up several decent 8pts that I would gladly shoot here in Pa, but that isn't why I went there. I saw a TON of deer, which I am not at all used to. I saw 72 deer in 4.5 days, 26 of them were bucks of various size and shape! I did see two that were border line P&Y, but they are still in Ohio. I didn't see any really big bucks, but it was almost non-stop action, and when the deer weren't around, the turkeys came by. I saw roughly 70 turks , one group of 15 gobblers! I'll probably be back there again next year. One of the best hunts I've been on. I still have a few days left here in Pa to get a buck. I just hope the weather doesn't mess me up.
I had a good sit this evening. Seen 4 does, a spike, and a decent 8 point with really white antlers. While I was watching the does and spike in the edge of the woods, the 8 walked through the field edge. By the time I realized he was there it was too late. I was reaching for my recurve while he worked the scrape at 25yds. By the time I was able to shoot, he left the scrape and got out to 35yds. That's out of my comfort zone and didn't feel confident in taking the shot. The deer weren't chasing or bothering the does, so I think it's just getting into the pre-rut here. The new stand will give me more options for hunting with a N-NW wind. We tend to have those more than the east wind I need for the other stand. Next time my compound will be with me. He probably scores just over 100", but it would be my biggest buck that f I shot him. I'm trying to hold out for a little bigger, but it's getting tough. These GA deer are hard hunting because of the amount of pressure of gun hunters being out for so long. I've got a feeling it's gonna come together soon though. Sent from my N9518 using Forums mobile app