Yep, 2nd buck is good to go for bonus deer. It is only your first buck that must be counted as antlered. Good luck!
One problem with the big boy that I saw, is my dad hunts the same property and had more opportunity to get out than I do. I love being able to have my dad as my hunting partner, but he’s on team 15 this year. With them being the biggest threat, that leads to some big competition. This coming weekend is the first firearm season in Illinois, then we get a week of just archery, then two weekends of firearms again. I’ll be spotty in the stand, so I can’t guarantee that I’ll be able to be much of a contributor before the long weekends start coming in at work.
So what does everyone give themselves for odds of getting a contest deer down that still can? I think this years contest is going to set some records, a lot of quality bucks have been dropped this year, so glad we had @wi p&y on our side think he still has the deer of the year entered. Is anyone out of time already or soon to be? Oftentimes after the rut people lose interest and disappear as the cold starts to settle in more frequently. IL's season goes all the way into the second Sunday in January can't recall how much time everyone has left if it was mentioned. I'm just a cheerleader anymore, but I'm also this teams biggest fan. I'll root and motivate everyone on until I'm blue in the face or the end date has passed, we are Legends!
You gun hunting or bow hunting through firearm season? Which member is your dad? That's pretty cool to be honest.
I really love hunting the late season so I’m still in the game to get another 50 points for the bonus deer. Sent from my iPhone using Forums
There's no pressure at all, only asking because it "is" a contest afterall. That being said, it is just a "contest" and meant for nothing more than bragging rights and good times to carry us through the season. This is already the best contest year I have been through, and know I have been in since 2011 and I think a year or two before. Would have to go through the archive and check.
I have until December 31st. I have been hunting big woods going after a buck. The numbers just aren’t there in the woods. I have never killed a buck later than November 21st but that being said I haven’t really put in much time after rifle season which always ends the weekend before thanksgiving. I should have a good chance of putting a doe down because I will start hunting in town for the city hunt that I was drawn for. They wouldn’t have a city hunt if they didn’t have a deer problem. We shall see. Feeling surprisingly optimistic. Sent from my iPhone using Forums
If I was spying I'd be much more stealth! Sent from my SM-G930V using Forums mobile app
Good luck, curse at the wind and mutter obscenities at the lack of action. If it works for me it can work for anyone. I couldn't imagine the big woods hunting a lot of hunters endure on this site. Big woods here is considered big buck country, weird how drastic of a difference it is with location. This has been the year of the underdog though, double check that squirrel busting through the brush or that hedge apple(osage orange) that just fell from the tree.
This is how naive I am. We had some friends in from Utah. We were walking our property when they picked up a hedge apple and asked, what the "F" is this thing. Good to know not everyone in the country is not plagued with these dang things. Sent from my SM-N900V using Forums mobile app
I hate the damned things. Not sure what purpose they serve. They either lay on the ground waiting for an unsuspecting hunter to roll their ankle on or linger 15 feet in the air waiting for that weakening stem to snap. See one every now and then that a squirrel has all but chewed to flatness, but the rest remain. They can't be anything more than a chew toy. Sound like a deer jumping the creek sometimes depending on the area
No action this morning other than busting deer on the way in (didn't realize how many leaves had fallen). Haven't hunted since I found some scrapes on the ridge, so I hung my camera. Got video of a decent 8, does, yearlings, and a little buck cruising. The camera spooked the big guy when the IR activated. A doe worked the licking branch and the little buck followed the does path a couple hours later. Also found a fresh scrape in between the original 2 I had found. It seems that it's just starting to get good here finally. Going to property 2 tomorrow for a sit since it's going to be an east wind. I've got until January 14th to get a buck. Unfortunately, the gun hunters have been out since October 21st, and don't leave until end of season... I feel pretty confident in getting a buck. I've also got a secret spot on public land that I haven't stepped foot on all season. The weekend of thanksgiving will be all day sits there. Got those guys patterned pretty good. Been hunting that place for years. Sent from my N9518 using Forums mobile app
I would be happy to have them here. Best bow making wood out there. Sent from my N9518 using Forums mobile app
Won't hear me argue, I've nearly sprained a foot/ankle trying to bust a branch for firewood. Had that vibration shock hit your hand and wrist as you smack the branch against a tree to snap it. Caught that popping ember from the fire when your try to burn it...
I can’t bowhunt during firearm season. Can for muzzleloader season in Illinois because reasons, but not straight up firearm. My dad is @short69 .
You do know you can now if it is private property, you have to use your firearm permit to tag it but you can use archery equipment now. IDNR changed the rules last year.
I'm ready to sit in my stand this evening. Wind is going to be good, and from what others near there are saying, they're starting to push does and chasing. Hoping a good one will slip up. Sent from my N9518 using Forums mobile app
Here's an update on the scores as I'm calculating them. I did use 160" for jjnowak's buck. I think that's safe. 1st: 1,292-5/8" Team 4 2nd: 1,025-4/8" Team 15 3rd: 1,007-7/8" Team 3 4th: 837-5/8" Team 22