I ended up being able to get out Sunday evening for about 2 hours, and had something exciting happen. Couldn’t get a shot I was comfortable with, so I never sent an arrow flying. But the last 15-20 minutes of shooting light were spent watching a buck work 3 different scrapes and feed. I am horrible at aging and scoring on the hoof, I have a head cold that was getting bad that day, and like I said it was the last 15 minutes or so of shooting light, so I couldn’t see very well. But if I had to guess, I’d peg him as 4-1/2 years old and a solid 115. All factors considered, I wouldn’t be surprised if he is in the 140 class range. Never spooked, so I’m hoping he comes back.
Working scrapes sounds promising. That's what mine was doing before I shot him, that same scrape was being worked by a 9pt that was taken the Sunday(5th) I sat out. And when I hunted Saturday it had been covered in leaves when I went in but something had opened it back up between 5:30 and 8:45. Scrapes seem to be hot right now
Hello fellas. Been in Kansas and no cell service. Killed a bonus deer and wish I would have killed him before my Wyoming buck... scored 160” and he’s worth 50 pts. I’m in Oklahoma now trying to bag a buck here. Great job so far guys. Pretty cool seeing everyone being successful. Update on my son and his buddies is they are getting better a little each day. One of them will be in the hospital for quite a while. He is still in ICU but is responding with slight hand movements and head nods. My son and the other are Home recuperating. Thanks for your thoughts and prayers.
Good to hear! On another note, that's a stud! Too bad he's only worth 50 points. Congrats on a great buck! Sent from my N9518 using Bowhunting.com Forums mobile app
Congrats on your "bonus" deer, my dreams had one like that but reality was a scrub buck Good news on your son, hope his friends both fully recover
Ok, so I updated post one with harvests and scores. Please check your to make sure I didn't make an error. At work trying to keep an eye on trainee and overcome boredom both.
I know. Just wanting to fling an arrow and contribute in the worst way. I have until the end of December. So I have a lot of time it just gets a little more difficult after rifle season, which ends Sunday.
I feel your pain. I'm am getting impatient, and that's not good. I will try to keep my cool, but finishing out with traditional gear, it's going to be tough. Sent from my N9518 using Bowhunting.com Forums mobile app
I'm thinking the winning team this year is probably going to be closer to 1,400 points or more. I think we can still hit that number too. If we all enter a doe, for those who haven't yet, we will have an additional 300 points added to what we already have. I'm going back to Ohio to kill my doe the day after Thanksgiving. Let's keep this thing going guys. We are on a roll and we don't want to let up now. Good Luck!
Yeah, I know team 15 is within striking distance. I'm not sure where we lie in regards to other teams, hitting that dreaded lull of when gun seasons come in and deer start feeling the pressure. We definitely have a shot at this thing, and does are always a weighting factor every year.
Get’em boys! I just finished up in Oklahoma at least for now. Can’t add anymore points to the card but would like to tag a good one in Oklahoma. I passed a buck that was close to 120” last night and had a decent 6pt under my stand this morning at 7:30. Not quite what I’m looking for. Had a great week. Need to get back to work so I can get some rest.
We only get one bonus deer correct? Whether that be a doe or another buck? Where I am at on Texas public, I’m not allowed to shoot a doe but I can shoot another buck in another county. This is the last week, that I can shoot a doe on private property in Texas as well and I can only go out this Friday (if my wife lets me lol) Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums