Well it's rifle opener in MN today. I have been out in the morning and/or evening the last 6 days. I have not seen a hair. I didn't hear any shots today that were even remotely close to where I was. I think the deer are moving because I keep seeing tracks here and there but they aren't moving by the right tree. I'll just keep on putting in the time Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
We have yours, WI p@y(should change that to B&C lol), jjnowak entered yet to be counted, still have aaronjones's buck to be entered but see he has more serious matters to attend to. I was going to total them up and try to get a guesstimate but haven't gotten around to it yet. Might get to it tomorrow, gonna sit the day out I think as some nasty weather being forecast here. The main unknown is the sandbaggers out there, seems every year teame will shoot something and keep it secret and then enter them. I tell ya what though, nothing against past teams by any means, this has been one of the best teams I've been a part of. Amazing start and the rut is pretty much here, hopi g the rest of us can do something to contribute. My luck with the antlered variety hasn't been much yet, best has been maybe an 80" scrub buck. Could have shot multiple does yesterday, but never know when Mr. Big is watching over her just out of view. Will still have 7 of the best days in Nov. starting Monday.
Whoops, JGD had already submitted it was @Aaron Jones who has yet to submit. Looks like current entries we will have 593 5/8 with one entry pending
Team 15 looks to have 200'ish pending, team 22 96 and change. I'd have to go through each teams threads to find any not submitted etc. We should be top 5 still I'd think. Well within striking distance.
Beautiful Penna buck! Congrats. Our team is kicking butt!! I still have 4 days in Ohio to look forward to, so I'm hoping to help our cause with that trip.
I'm going back to Ohio in 2 weeks to shoot my Doe. There one out there that has my name on it. She's a snorter.
Oh my! Man this team is killing it, literally. Congrats on a giant! Sent from my N9518 using Bowhunting.com Forums mobile app
Means you da man! Just happened to look in the score thread and didn't realize who it was. Thought man, that score looks a bit low, then seen team 4. Awesome buck man! Congrats!
Make that 725 plus aaron's deer when he gets it entered. Amazing team. Feel like the pressure is on me. Definitely want to maintain the 200 point club, but that's not do or bust thing either. Best 7 days coming up.
I'm feeling some pressure and I've already got a doe. These guys have definitely turned it up a little bit lol. Sent from my N9518 using Bowhunting.com Forums mobile app
I'm with you guys on the pressure. If I can't kill a buck I'm hoping to kill a doe later on. No one wants to be the weakest link! Haha awesome going fellas Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums