Just switched to the QAD Ultra HD last week...absolutely love it!!! Had an old style prong rest that was a great rest but never could get away from a little bit of fletching contact no matter what I did. The QAD solved that problem for me!!
I have over around a 1000 shots through my Hostage Pro and I havent had to replace the bottom brush yet.
I've read recently that they have come out with an upgraded bottom brush that holds up better. Haven't tried it though. I might have been able to shoot more than 500 arrows through mine, but when I noticed my shots were moving I would change brushes. Great containment and little or no affect on arrow flight.
I want to upgrade from a WB to some sort of fall-away so I can shoot FOB's. Visit starrflight.com and check it out!
QAD is the best Have had one for 5 years and not problems at all and it is the easyest rest to set up.
I've used 4 different fallaway rests and never could get them as quiet as I wanted. I just put a Hostage pro on my Admiral and so far I love it. Only a slight whooosh as the arrow leaves my bow that I'm sure is not noticeable to the deer. The arrow hitting the target is so much louder it kinda made me jump the first time I shot it. Guy at my hometown bow shop remarked how quiet it was and he don't usually brag on anything he doesn't sell. (Only sells Kodiak bows). The new bottom bristles are made out of pig hair, I've read somewhere. I'll let you know when I get to 500 shots, probly sometime in 2011! LOL! I'm 57, I only got so many shots left. I shoot just enough to keep my confidence level up plus at least one "leaf shot" every time I'm on stand.
I have recommended the Kaz many times but just make sure you check your timing after installing.It has a stiff spring and can cause some cable torque.I do think they are quality rest.I used the vital drop for a long time but it wore out on me after a couple years.Would no longer tune the way I liked. I have since gone to the whammy and feel it is superior to anything I have ever used.
I shot some bows with fall away rests when I was shopping for a new bow and like them. But, I ended up putting on a NAP Quick Tune 360. It captures the arrow shaft like a WB, but allows for complete vane clearance. Plus no more worrying about an arrow getting bumped of the rest.
I don't see what the big deal is with the "full containment" issue. I shoot a limbdriver and can turn my bow to about 90 degrees each way and the arrow stays on the rest.
I shoot Vital Bow Gears new kaz away pro hunter it is the old Kaz but it lifts like a limb driver but it uses magnetics to lift and it is smooth as silk I love this baby!!Walt