How far do some of you guys take it? Myself just got the inside of my truck sprayed down via scent killer. I spend a lot of time in it and when I was doing boiler work part time it was perty stinky on the way home from working. Also the wife's dang ciggy smoke and had to take my air fresheners out. I also shave my arm pits cant stand hair there. Am I going to regret this one? I also wear x scent then scent lok base slayer over that. Anyway I can minimize my scent I go for it. I just started taking Nullo/.com an internal cleanser which I forgot pretty much last year to take this. Wife seems to like me taking it, lol
I learned a great method from the movie "Tommy Boy" I grab a pine tree air freshener and rub it on my clothes, this simulates the fresh scent one would come to expect in the deep woods of Northern Wisconsin. The fresheners are only about 5 bucks for a 3 pack and can be reused.
Dude throw that away its just more then pine tree scent I believe. I will have to research this and get back to you.
I always believed that if you weren't gonna go all the way with it, why do anything...... I do absolutely nothing. No sprays, no storing clothes, no scent lock, no silver lined clothes..... I have respect for the guys that go through all the work to really be scent free.. It takes dedication for sure. I spent a couple seasons doing it and it wore me down and burned me out.
I go about as far as Jeff does. I don't go overboard, but I do the basics. If I have time, obviously I shower with scent-free stuff. I launder my clothes in scent-free detergent and then promptly store them in scent-free bags. I don't open them until I am ready to hunt. I spray down while I am dressing my base-layers, then I spray down when I get into the tree for my top layers. Boots, I spray down before I walk through the field. I should probably pick up some gum or something, but I have had some pretty cool ground encounters with deer only 5 yards away before, standing downwind of me (sitting at the base of a tree) and they never busted me. I must be doing something halfway right. I don't buy scent-blocker clothing, I simply play the wind and use the spray/detergent to help minimize my scent. I figure, it is nearly impossible to eliminate all human odor so I do my best with what I have.
I am almost OCD when it comes to scent control. I wash everything, including the towels I use to dry off with, in scent free. I don't touch my clothing w/ bare hands while I'm laundering, I spray scent elimination on my hands, don latex gloves, and spray again. Store in air tight containers. After I shower, I spray myself, and EVERY piece of clothing I put on w/ scent elimination. I have a jumpsuit I wear in my truck, and change into my hunting clothes, wearing the bare minimum to my stand. I spray my bow, and my stand with scent eliminator. Hell, it's almost like work, but I feel there is a direct correlation between my regimen and my success. When I started this procedure, my deer sightings, and kills have gone up. Scent control isn't the only factor, but it's a big one.
Read what this guys thinks about scent control
I'm fairly routine with my scent control, but probably not as stringent as I should be or would like to be. Mostly just because I get lazy from time to time. Shame on me. In any case, starting now I will switch over to scent-free body wash, shampoo, and deodorant. This gives my body time to get rid of the perfumes that are in my skin and hair from the good old Old Spice body wash and my woman's chick shampoo that I use. Personally, I use Dead Down Wind soaps and Mitchum Unscented anti-perspirant/deodorant. Like Fraley, I will remove any air fresheners from my truck and spray down the seats with some sort of scent killer. Right now it smells like a Victoria's Secret in there thanks to the wife-to-be riding around in it all weekend. I'll maintain the scent-free gig throughout the season, and if I wear any cologne for whatever reason I will spray it on my clothing only, not my skin. That stuff lasts a lot longer than you think it does. As for clothing, I am still wearing some sort of Scent-Lok or Scent Blocker under garments, and my main Gray Wolf clothing is lined with Scent-Lok as well. Washed in DDW Carbon Reactivator wash and stored in a Scent-Tote. My non-carbon garments are washed in Scent Killer's laundry detergent and also stored in a Scent-Tote. I have three separate Scent-Lok facemasks that I will rotate every few hunts to make sure they're as fresh as possible. When hunting I will use Gum-O-Flage to kill odors on my breath. Starting this season I will also be using the Chlor-O-Flage chlorophyll pills as well. They are supposed to cut down on your body's ability to produce odor, and duke vouches for them so I'm giving it a go. I spray my pack and accessories down with DDW Field Spray, and they are all stored in plastic totes when not in use. I also have HS Earth Scent wafers in with my pack, boots, and in my bow case as well. I figure if I can't kill all the scent, I may as well try to cover it up. Generally speaking I don't spray my stands down, they're in the field long enough that whatever scent is on them disappates quickly. Metal doesn't hold scent well anyways. Boots is probalby a big area where I fail. I simply can't handle wearing rubber boots when it's hot/warm out. My feet sweat to the point I want to take my boots off and burn them on the spot. At times I've been guilty of removing them in the stand to let my feet cool down, effectively speading my nasty foot stench across three counties. Obviously not a good move. This fall I plan on wearing some X-Scent socks with a pair of uninsulated hiking boots that I will spray down thoroughly and store with a scent wafer when not in use. The rubbers aren't coming out until it gets cooler out. Sorry, I just can't take it anymore. That's really about it for me. Much like mobow ever since I started this routine I've seen more deer and harvested more as well. Whether that's attributed to the fact that I pay more attention to scent or just became a smarter hunter overall, who knows. But it's worked so far so I'm sticking with it.
I do just about everything JZ does.. except I'm a fanatic about rubber boots. I also started last season with the chlorophyl tablets as opposed to JZ starting this year. I also try to keep my face hair at a minimum (although this year I may leave the VanDyke I have going).. head hair short too. And keep my wife away from me as I kiss her goodbye in the morning.:d
Glad you guys mentioned the Chlorophyl.....I bought some from a nutrition place...ah hell, I can't remember the name.....It SEEMED to work. When I sweat, my shirts didn't stink nearly as badly as they normally do. And with 2 weeks until season opens, I best get started on them again. U guys have a link for that chlor-o-flage?
Duke, Justin, Mobo, Ya'll mofo's is hard core! lol Over half of my season is spent with days over 60 degrees with many, many 75+..... It's just impossible to keep from sweating like a freight train going in and coming out. I always felt like I was wasting my time getting all clean and fresh and then funking it up before I even get on stand.....
Im not to fanatic about it. I do the scent wash thing in the shower. scent wash the cloths and store them in containers. I use the spray on everything. play the wind and try to use a good approach to stand.
You'll be able to get it here in our online store in about two weeks. For the time being you can get it from
I use DDW. Just bought the whole field kit. Also use a scent lock suit, field spray when I get out of the truck. I also wash all my stuff in cover detergent, like back pack, harness, ropes, etc. Lastly, I wipe down the bow, arrows, & release w/Scentblocker wipes.
I forgot I also collected some acorns (White) and boiled them and then I ground them and when the season starts I will pour it over my boots. JZ I have never tried gum o flage any bitterness? I figure using this with that mask Todd was chatting about would be of great help. Happen to remember the site? (Smoochie or something)
I try to do everything in my power to get real clean when I am hunting a buck. When I am out chasing elk during the rut I dont go to the extremes because I am mobile and can always move with the wind on the ground.. With whitetails whether its a ground blind or stand I do a lot of what everyone else does.. My process starts with all of my clothing being washed cleaned and hung outside during hunting season in the wind if its NOT scent lok. My scent lok layers are stored in air tight totes. I only dress for whitetails in the field/outside. I always undress before I get back in the house or in a rig. I store all my clothing when transporting whether its scent lok or outer nonscent lok layers in air tight totes. I always wear rubber boots when whitetail hunting. My boots get a fresh water/baking soda bath about every other day that I hunt. Outside at the water spicket artesian well water. I do step in ELk chit on purpose with my boots when walking into a stand. It can't hurt. My body gets showered washed and I shave about every part of my body this time of the year that is in a sweaty region. May sound sick but no hair means less scent molecules sticking around. I wouldnt ask to borrow my clippers! I dont a little facial hair because its air dried all the time, I shave my head with the #1 and #2 clippers, I dont like ticks either so this servers two purposes. I shower, use scent free shampoo, as soon as I an done shower I towel off with a towel I have cleaned in scent free soap an stored seperately from any of the towels in the house, I usually keep 1/2 a dozen of these towels on hand. I then immedialtely while standing in the shower spray down with scent spray, (vanishing hunter or scent killer) before I put any clothing on. I almost always slip on a pair of shorts and t-shirt or sweats if its cold right out of the same bag as I keep my clean towels in. I put them on in the bathroom and then exit the house immediately. I dress outside if I am walking from my house to hunt, I wear them in my pickup if I am hunting elsewhere. When I get to area I plan to hike into I spray down again and dress in my scent lok and outter garments if I need to (based on temperatures or rain/weather conditions) I hike in and when I get ot about 300 yards from my whitetail stand or blind I stop and spray down one more time. (vanishing hunter or scent away spray) I then slip into my stand and get set up. I almost always spray down one more time while in stand.. I always cover my mouth with a scent lok head cover and my hands are always covered in scent lok along with the rest of my body. I always TRY to breath out of nose and not my mouth ... My underwear, socks and rubber boots are always doused in the Scent away Powder.. I always used the scent away armpit deoderant too after a shower.. (forgot to put in earlier) When I get back to my truck I dress down ALWAYS and put everything away in totes before I load it up... bout it.. never have tried the chloryphyll .. interested to see how everyone is likeing it..
I got all my DDW yesterday. My shelf looks like POP display for them....LOL.....3 bottles of Evolve, 2 laundry soap, 2 body and hair soap, 2 anti perspirant, carbon reactivator, mouth spray, and field wipes... I just ordered a Chlor-o-flage, and will get at least 1 more, maybe 2, from when the store is up and running.
We're hoping for a store launch in about a week, so if you guys can hold out for a few more days we'll have a bunch of goodies that you'll be able to order. And if you don't see it in the new cart, e-mail us and we'll try to get it for you. Good job mobow, way to be prepared! I just busted out all of my stuff last night and did a quick inventory. I need to order a few things myself.
Mr. Troy.. I used the chlorophyll pills all of last season. I think they worked great... so did my wife actually. However.. I will stress that they do lead to some mean visits to the bathroom. I'm just telling it like it is.