1.) The first arrow was a 2016 cut at 30.5" w/factory insert(not sure of insert weight, but definately not 100gr), 3 TrueFlight feathers 4", and 200gr field point. 2.) The second arrow is a FMJ 500 at 31.5" w/100gr Brass insert, 3 TrueFlight feathers 4", and 200gr field point. The 2016 flew "ok" but had noticeably less penetration and thump at the target. It also was more apt to drift in wind than the FMJ's. It also had more drop at 20yds. The extra weight forward is what made it fly better and impact with more thump. A simple comparison really. Bobby
I shoot high FOC arrows Russ sized and built for me to hunt with,but have some light weight 3D arrows also.When I'm tinkering and practicing with the hunting arrows at the range I'll have guys ask why the weight that way? I reply "have you ever tried to push a chain?" The hi-FOC helps pull the arrow straight to the game with good KE!
Oh, I see what you are saying Jeff. Sorry for my confusion. I guess what I am saying is the Apple arrow was crappy for my bow and the Orange arrow was what I was looking for.
I hope I was not coming off as being smart Jeff. No offense at all. I just like the way the arrows fly and hit. I am just open for any suggestions that may help me out. As for the momentum issue, I wish someone could explain it in a really simple way for me to understand better. I have read a bit about other trad hunters using EFOC with great results though. I just want every advantage I can get with penetration. My main concern is a lethal, quick kill. If what I am shooting is a little overkill (no pun intended), then so be it. I "would rather have it and not need it, than need it and not have it. But heck, what do I know. I am not even sure if my bow is tuned right yet. Bobby
I'm sure your 100% correct Jeff, I'm sure It flip flops somewhere In there. I've read allot of Info on this FOC stuff and the guys that know their stuff say FOC really doesn't start having a good positive effect until you hit that 19% range or so.