Here is an interesting experiment concerning doe/buck ratio’s that I was reading about in a deer biology column in one of the popular magazines. The biologists were talking about how the doe/buck ratio’s are usually not as bad as they seem. The numbers are interesting to run and there could be much more does born than bucks or much more bucks killed than does than what the experiment mentions. And, the hunting still won’t be so great because a lot of the bucks would be yearlings the next hunting season. It does show the importance of taking does and letting the bucks get older in order to have better hunting in your area. Any Comments? Scenario 1 32 does and 6 bucks on a property Approximately 5 to 1 doe/buck ratio 50% mortality rate after hunting season equals: 16 does and 3 bucks on the property All does are bred and there is a 50/50 buck/doe fawn birth in the spring Now we have: 24 does and 11 bucks on the property Approximately 2 to 1 doe/buck ratio Scenario 2 64 does and 6 bucks on a property Approximately 11 to 1 doe/buck ratio 50% mortality rate after hunting season equals: 32 does and 3 bucks All does are bred and there is a 50/50 buck/doe fawn birth in the spring Now we have: 48 does and 19 bucks on the property Approximately 2.5 to 1 doe/buck ratio