Sorry to hear that crick, I feel your pain. Give the area some rest for a few days and go back and try it out again. Good luck!
Blood--"Virginiashawdow, lets me and you get it done this season I got a feeling!! Brothers?? do you have big hands?? :D" Actually I have extremely small hands( no school boy jokes!)....more than likely smaller than most on this hunting board. See the hillarity of this---we MUST be blood brothers, too many similarities.
At least you didn't have to watch him bedded down just 60 yards away from you for three hours last night like someone I know did
To come that close and not have it happen is worse than being out and out busted sometimes. It's good that he didn't blow out of there, but I think moving was a good idea. It sounds like he's got that set dialed in for some reason. Hang in there. You'll make it happen.
with your big self and some Ultimate camo, they would just think you were a tree!!! there really is something that is insanely intense about being eye level with a deer at 10 yards though! give it a shot after you get this one under the belt!!
Crick, that has to be one of the most frustrating things to experience hunting, but that's why they call it hunting, though, right Keep after him, you're already doing something right by being in that's a good one.