Im starting to think im cursed I have been on the quest for my first book buck for awhile, so far over the years the tallie is, two misses, one belly hair shave, and a bad shoulder hit <<<<my first back in 05. Last season I put myself close to 6-7 bucks that would go book, they ranged from high 120's--160" They were either just out of range, facing me and I couldnt shoot, or wouldnt stop chasing Does so I could shoot Fast forward to this morning. Im in my bottle neck spot again, A doe comes through first. Then it happened AGAIN, I look behind me and to my right I see movement, at first I think Doe, then ANTLERS Its a solid 135-140". He was walking as I he was late for a party (bed) I went a head and drew, telling myself, finally an easy shot on a Big boy, all the little reminders swam through my head. He made it another 10 yards after I was drawn, and had to clear a wall of trees before giving me a 17 yard 1/4 away shot, THEN IT HAPPENED, He for some reason stopped behind the trees while im holding draw. It went on long enough that I was doughting how much longer I could hold, then He streched his neck around the tree and breafly looked at me Finally He turned around and headed back the way he came. I let down and watched him stop 40 yards out and just stand there flicking his tail as if trying to decide to continue on the original path or take alternate root. He choose alternate root. The stand has been hung since last year and is 25' up in a very large pine, my wind was perfect. Its like God himself whacked him on the head with a hammer and said, hey Dink is in that tree!! I mean come on, I can shoot Does all day no problem, I have 4 turkeys with a bow and a Yote, I can shoot young bucks no problem, but when it comes to the Big boys, Im cursed!! I dont feel like I get to rattled, so There!! Im done whining, Im headed for the corner to curl up in a ball and cry!!
Sorry to hear of the missed oppertunity. My only suggestion is instead of thinking " finally an easy shot on a Big boy" Think Please,please,please let this happen.Sometimes begging works.
Dan ... I had a VERY similar thing happen to me on my first day out last year .... same thing ... he came in on a line ...a REAL nice 8 for my area 110 -120" ... stopped 1 yard short of me getting a shot and just ....stood there ....5 minutes went by ... I kept on thinking, "ONE more step" .. then he just turned around the way he came and walked away .... I feel your pain
Jeff ... that right there will be my strategy in NY this year .... going mobile ... EVEN if it's just 30 yards ... you hammered a wise doe last year that way, didn't you?
Jeff, I already planed to move but I cant do it with a climber there. Im in an entrance to a nasty pine thicket and 90% of the trees are pines, the rest, to little or wrong spot. Im going to back away for 4-5 days before going back in, Im going to slip in and hang another climber in the mean time around mid day. 130 Woodman, I have tried your suggestion of begging, it dont work for me :D Im willing to bet this buck might not even come back till the rut. He looked to be a 4.5 year old, and yep, I know they are not stupid, but with this many encounters you would think I would at least win once Funny thing, Im seeing both Does and buck's here, BUT they have to share that funnel, if they want in that woods, on that side of it! I did see another Doe and the same spike from yestarday. Tony the 160" from last year did the same, he was on a string, hung up, turned and changed course
All I can say is you picked the wrong challenge for Buckabalooza! It's my mojo :D Just playin buddy, keep at it... you'll kill one. I've got faith.
Sounds like a great encounter. I don't think you are cursed, I think you are hunting. I believe that there are alot more bucks out there that see us and we don't see them. You are figuring him out. A well planned move and hunting it at the right time and you have him.. Chin up brother.
Come on blood! Don't feel bad man...I have been looking for a mature buck for 18 seasons...that's right, 18 seasons. I had two within 20 yards last year and could not close the deal. Maybe we are "blood" brothers Mr. Crick....hahahaha!
can u shoot sittin? sit on the ground, move and tuck yourself into some stuff. i wouldnt go hang another set. thats alot of noise, and i am bettin whether you know it or not this deer knows you!
:D Now you people know how to cheer a guy up :D After posting this, I took a quick dirt shower, loaded up, headed out, 2 miles from home, snuck in and hung another set as quiet as i could. The wind Is blowing a pretty good clip and that helped with masking noise. Im now set up where Its even squeezed tighter between the two high wall pits. 25 yards on one side and 30 on the other The updraft comming up the highwalls will help with scent. Dubbya, its on brotha, you just dont know it yet :D Ben, I think the move i just made is a wise one, gonna let it air out for awhile before going back. Peak, you could be on to something, This may well be the very buck that busted me last year while trying to draw on him, It was dead quiet and my sleeve made a noise. Virginiashawdow, lets me and you get it done this season I got a feeling!! Brothers?? do you have big hands?? :D Christine :D LMAO!! OK OK, The fingers in my release glove were cut out, he may have seen em Shultzy, yes it would piss the pope off :D Live2draw, Man, im just not one to sit on the ground, I just cant get myself to try it.
Those big guys are smart. He probably smelled that you were there yesterday. I 've been there, done that! I feel your pain!