Do to some circumstances, (Ill be at the Browns game, and Isaac is looking for a doe he possibly arrowed last night) he wont be in the woods today. That my friends, was the best hunt of my life, in terms of deer seen, size of buck, thrill...the whole 9 yards. :D
Me might have an easier time finding her if he looks in the woods:D Hope he gets her! A little humor in a tense situation never hurts.
Have fun at the game Caleb. Good luck to your bro. I'd like you guys to get a sighting in on ol FD just let ya know you are still in the fight.
Well just got back from looking for the doe, No arrow and no blood. 99% sure that i shot under her and there is no chance of me finding the arrow in the overgrown hay field. My dad did fallow the trail with the dog that the deer exited on and there was no blood and no signs that i hit her at all within 150 yards.