to those who get to hunt right now!!! you suck!!! Im so jealous!! still have two weeks!!!!!!!!! good luck to you guys and congrats to those who have scored!
been out once and hope to be on stand again tomorrow pm,mon and tue for sure. Naa naa na boob boo!!!!
See to me, my season on my property only lasts one month thanks to a$$ hole dog hunters. But this year I am hopefully getting to hunt 600 acres my buddy scored this summer. So if I don't get at least one nice buck in the next 3 weeks, I could be screwed. Wanna trade?
jenkcoast.....those who don't live in dog country will never understand .....I live in southeast Va bro's the same thing you deal with in's a lonely life as a bowhunter, our season lasts about 4 weeks and that's if they stop running dogs in about pressure....Id welcome gun hunting if all we had to worry about was hunters, try sitting in a stand with your bow after 50 hounds have run everything for about a month straight everyday of the week except Sun and see what real pressure does to deer..
you know I thought about that siman when I wrote this, forgive me, I can't complain now that I remember your deal...
Yea thanks, will hopefully be able to get out for a little bit in the ground blind during the opener next weekend.
OH make no mistake there are plenty of dogs around. See my post in the thread "How do you play the wind" by GMMAT
some of us that hunts hear have to wait untill 1st of oct.there is a deal called urban hunts that started already.good luck to everyone thats hunting now.
whatever Jeff..... BTW, congrats again on your first trad kill! I never doubted you. Bowbender, yeh i forgot about that, I just realized you are in Staaford's about 1.5 hrs from me I think, yeh you got dogs too, but I doubt there is anywhere this side of the Blue ridge that has more than my area....Just today there was a "Fox Trial" in Sussex co.. yeh Im sure they burned the "Fox" up! Funny thing is, I just see foxes that are very large and brown, and did you know they have whitetails??
Vabowman~~ My season opened Tuesday and I have only been in the woods Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday.......I am not trying to rub it in.......: ) Haha....dont worry bud it wont be long and you will be perched in a tree like the rest of us!!
Although I did earn my buck tag last weekend with a doe in WI... My 4th grade teaching wife brought home a cold.. which I now have.. so I haven't been out but once since earning the tag. It's okay really.. the wind hasn't been quite right.. just yet.