I'm one of these guys that gets a new bow every year. Addicted to it, I would say. Over the years, I've had some fine shooting bows. I would have to say the finest is my AlphaMax however............There is one I wish I had back. My '06 UltraTec. That was one tack drivin son of a........ How about ya'll? Ever trade, or sell, a bow that you now kinda wish you had back?
Nope. I haven't owned a lot of bows, and the ones I have were sold for a major replacement (i.e. upgrade). It wasn't as if I was replacing a perfectly good bow. I was replacing usually out of necessity.
My very 1st compound that my parents bought for me when I was 11 years old (Martin Lynx). She was a great bow, I shot my 1st deer and bear with It and a few other deer. Like an Idiot I sold It during my college years being I was short of cash.:mad1:
I have every bow I have ever owned! I almost made a big mistake the other day and traded one of my Longbows.... I thank the archery Gods that brought me back to my senses!!!
My first real nice bow i bought was a Mathews Outback. I wish i could have it back because i could shoot with that thing. I do just fine with my new Bowtech but i do wish i still had that one. I don't know that i would use it but it would be interesting.
Well I have a new 32" Alphamax on the way. The Bowtech Ally will stay in the stable ay least till November when I can replace it with probably a 35" Alphamax..