You're a good man crick... Its unfortunate that there are many people out there that would have flung an arrow in that situation.
Simply a question. I guess i have a thing for antlers. I've never, nor do i know anyone that has been spotlighting looking for age structure. I dont look at "Rack" magazine to see who killed the oldest deer. I understand the respect that has to be given to a mature buck over a younger deer. But this is coming from a Pa public land hunter, i'm shootin the deer with the bigger rack every time. Didnt mean to offend you.
I can actually say that I really seen one this yr and was even drawn on him. I posted about it last yr. damn if he didn't turn & go away from me. But he was one heck of 10-12 pt deer. Tines I would say to be 12-1`4", no exageration. That was the biggest deer I have ever seen in 17 yrs of hunting.
I saw a 160 class cross in front of me at night. Looked like a typical 12 point and just absolutely HUGE! In the woods, the biggest i've seen is about 145'ish. Biggest in bow range was about 135 (no tag, ouch!). My biggest buck to date is about 115. Needless to say, I still have a void above my fireplace......maybe next year!!!!
I was watching a buck a few summers ago, that was absolutely HUGE. No pictures of him, tried getting him on video camera but he came out way too late. Then he disappeared and I didn't see him again. During gun hunting, he was shot roughly 3/4 mile away. Grossed 186. I've seen a fair share of 160+ bucks, but that one was the biggest
Never. Saw one that would have pushed 130s my second year during rifle season. Other than that, most of my "big" guy sightings are in the 100-110" range.
I had several brushes with 125-130ish deer this past year. That's the biggest I have seen in the stand.
Over the years I've seen what I would consider a good number that would be very close if not over 160in. Some I know for sure were bigger others...well sometimes you just don't know. All however were plenty big enough for an arrow or bullet depending on what I had in my hands at the time.
I saw a non typ in the 170 range in Brown County last year that busted me at about 60 yards. He was shot and grazed in the shoulder during shotgun season but appears to have made it through the winter according to a neighboring property owner. Biggest I ever saw from the stand was a 197" typical that I took a pot shot on my first year of hunting like an idiot. We also had a 230-240" Non Typical hit a little over a year ago two miles from my house, I know someone with the film of the buck but he won't share
Used to see a lot more than I do now...over-outfitting has hammered the bucks in my area...$4000 5 day hunts with 140" minimums will do that:mad1: Now I see about 1-2 per year, typically not during hunting though. 8+ years ago, it was multiple 160+'s per year, many during late summer and a couple each year while hunting. I managed to put a tag on one that grosses over 160...that was in 2000, been trying to beat it since.
I've seen several 160+ bucks. Hunting, spotting, trail cams, etc. Haven't had the good fortune to take one yet though. Someday...
I don't know that I've ever seen a deer over 140 here is MS. Maybe one or two, but they most likely were in the 130's.