My 2010 season officially kicks off tonight. I will be entering the woods with my recurve for the first time ever this afternoon. I have a HUGE piece of property to hunt....I will be hunting about a 1/3rd acre creek spot in my backyard! hahahaha! One never knows what gift might come down the trail. I shot from elevation and 20 yards this morning and the broadheads are flying well. If given an opportunity I am going to try to keep my shot at 18 yards or less.
Awesome brother! Theres nothing like that feeling walk into the woods with a Stikbow in hand! I just love it! Good luck, and let us know how it goes brother!
Thanks guys. I wil be doing it the hard way, the shadow I will be hunting from the ground b/c I do not want to get up in the trees so the does can see me from their beds. It will have to be a perfect storm for the does to leak out within range on my property.
I got in the woods right at 430pm. Within 10 yards after entering the woods I thought I saw movement and froze. My logical brain told me that there was no way that the deer were out this early feeding. My predator brain told me to stay frozen and wait. Well I trusted my "smarts" and slowly walked...boom, 3 doe spooked and I did not see anything other than a racoon the rest of the day. It was nice to be out in the woods.
you did as well as we did dove hunting... Killed two, couldn't find them in the corn. Missed a BUNCH my shoulder is torn up. Friday, great place to hunt off Elk Ridge road, they deer hunt so they don't lease for deer hunters.
A sage old man would say to me at this point "and what have you learned". When it comes to deer hunting, just when you think you have them figured out they'll do the unexpected. Always be ready for the unexpected and to take a shot. If you stop to take a pee keep you bow close because that's when a deer will walk right past you, as an example.
I was extremely close to putting down a doe this morning. I had two different does come within 15 yards but they were on alert and were slightly quartering towards. I could have shot one doe at 15 yards slightly quartering towards but I chose to hold off as she was walking to give me a good solid broadside at 10 yards. She stopped behind some leaves at 12 yards and sensed something or cut my boot tracks and bolted....uhhhhhh! I wanted a solid broadside shot with a good sight picture in order to take my first shot with my recurve.
Few more weeks for me. Our opening days are not all that great. Something about hunting in 90+ temps. just adds a touch of suckage to it. Dont get me wrong, ill be out feeding the skiters and looking for bambi. Good luck
Burnie, it is around 85-90 here recently and the skeeters are out as well. Luckily the temps have dropped a bit since last week to the low 80's. I really hope I get another opportunity here soon to let my bow sing.
Tonight had two doe feeding for 10 minutes at 25 yards and then a small 4-5 point buck came by at the same distance. It is doe only season. 25 yards is beyond my current limit with the recurve so I did not even think to take the shot. Back at it Saturday afternoon.
dude recurve hunting is where its at. its my first year hubnbting in general but im doing it with the recurve and I've practiced quite a bit. are you aiming or using instinctive? I aim my shots with the tip of the arrow
I am shooting instinctive. I really just aim and shoot. It is the totality of my site picture. It has taken me since Feb-March to really get somewhat comfortable shooting in all hunting situations. I still have A LOT to learn. After this season I am going to go back the basics with my recurve shooting.
Yeah, I have been practicing for around 2 years now. I'll get a compound bow here sometime, but for right now, i'm happy with the recurve. I can't wait to get another shot at something, I feel like I won't miss, but we all know how that goes