Honestly folks, How many times do you drink just half the can, then put it in the fridge? Lets be real. That servings per can is just to make you do math to figure out how many calories you just drank.
Ive been on a Hydroxycut binge since early Jan. trying to dump about 25-30 pds. works great till i fall off the wagon couple times a month and drink 15-20 beers in a night ( at 110 calories per) duh
My favorites are red Monster, Amp Overdrive, and Rockstar Guava. I only drink them every once in a while, I prefer Propel.
If I am drinking them straight I like the Monster No Carb (Blue M) With Vodka either Diet Red Bull, Diet SoBe Adrenaline, or Diet NO2.
Nothing like exercising the brain. And to tell your the truth, :D I actually put a half can in the fridge last night. I knew if I didn't, I wasn't going to sleep.
I used to drink Monster when it first came out. Now, I drink an occasional Red Bull while on long drives after dark.
Rip It from a local store called woodman's for $1.00 sure helps me get through 3rd shift. I believe walmart also sells this. I also buy a box of 10 powder packets from walmart and they work great.
I am not a soda drinker or a coffee drinker.I use stuff called emergenC that is a high dose vitamin C powder.I have also used some thing called Alert by Wilderness Athlete,it has quite a bit of caffeine in it along with lots of vitamins but if I drink it any time after 10:00 in the morning I can't get a decent nights sleep that evening.
Love the pic bucko personally I have never tried them. For the last two years i have been trying to stay away from sugar/sweets for the most, but cheat every now and then. I dont even drink soda at all anymore. From what i understand they are absolutly full of sugar!! I dont want to see 230lbs ever again :d But if i van get a can delivered strapped in like that, well, im all in
Couldnt tell ya, i've never had one. To tell you the truth i've never even had a cup of coffee, sure smells good though. I stick with water
"No Fear" for me. I usually splash it on top of a glass full of vodka and ice. I have been known to just drink it by the can. Back in my running days, I was known for the 16oz triple vodka and Red Bull. On stand, I gots to have something with a rescrewable cap. It's been Vitamin water. Either the XXX or the Defense. They got it down.
I'm becoming a fan of the orange Amp.....Revive, I think it is......El Yumo! Good stuff, and man alive........2 is like......1 too darn many......Holy cow batman!
That perfectly describes a few of my buddies/fellow hunters and firefighters :d Me, i prefer Monster, then NOS.
Dude...I am a hooked on monster. The stuff is truelly delicious. i do not feel it works as an energy drink, like buckeye...I just like the way it tastes. M80.....then some Khaos is my favorite. I really haven't cracked a green one open...but I have some in the fridge right now!!
We could have cracked some cold Monsters at the IL expo..... Had you showed up :mad1: M80 is good also, I place it 3rd on my Monster list :d
NOw how are you going to do a brother like that? If you would have let me know that you were going to be there I would have made it a point to make it down there!!! Are you goiing to make it to the get together this year? I will do my best to get up there and see you!!