What is your drink of choice? I have been stuck on green Monster for a few years now.... I have no idea how they pack so much deliciousness into one can, nothing can rival it's taste, maybe Monster Khaos at a distant second.... It is crazy to see how far they have come in the past few years. Back then it was a struggle to even find it in most stores... Now every one sells it and their advertising is everywhere. A photo to show my respect to MONSTER. :d
My favorite is No Fear, the 0 Carbs one in the black/blue can. As a close second, I prefer Rockstars zero carb drink. When I can't find either and need one (usually when I'm on the road to keep me awake) I will settle for Red Bull, the sugar free one. I usually have a case of that in my cabin to take on stand with me.
I, despite everyone's facination with monster, can't stand it. Too frickin' sweet. Everytime I see a monster sticker on a jacked up truck ,with two dirt bikes in the back, sitting on 24" rims I kind of want to punch myself in the throat. I prefer AMP. I was an overdrive fan, until I found Lightning, that stuff rocks.
Coffee for sure. but, when I need the extra kick in the nugs, I go with Redline. Find it at Wal*Marx, and try it. One little bottle, is two servings, for a reason. It works. But make sure you don't have to sit still at any time in the next couple (6-7) hours. It's not fun. Really though, I used to drink three of the super big Monster's then I tried redline. It kept me going all day, on one bottle. The only one I found that works.
Last year when I made the drive to New Mexico I took a 5-Hour Energy. It worked OK I guess. Its the only energy drink I've ever had. I'm a coffee kinda guy.
I can't stand them. They are all too sweet. Tim drinks them all the time though. He's under the delusion they're making his hair grow back. :d
I gotta say, the Lightning has intrigued me. It was pretty good. I can't stand the Overdrive flavor, I like Elevate best when you talk of any but the original. My favorite is, Ole' Faithful, original Amp. In fact, I just went to the store to specifically buy an Amp. Nothing more, nothing less. Just an Amp. I came back with two. I got ole' faithful, along with another new Amp, the Black Tea + Amp combo. Nothing special in that one.....unless you like Tea and Lemon, with a dash of Amp.
When I worked shifts Monster(green) kept me going. Kept on it after going back to regular daylight, but it just started making me WAY too jittery so I bagged em all. Haven't had one now over a year.
I usually only drink red bull when it is mixed with vodka. Other than that I'm a black coffee guy. Buckeye...Looks like I need to check into Monster especially with that kind of marketing scheme.
None for me. I don't seem to need the extra energy...maybe that's because I'm not old like you guys, yet :D Jk, jk.
I am more of a Java Monster vanilla bean fan myself, I can't stand pretty much most other energy drinks. One piece of advice, don't drink two of the large Java Monsters along with a UpShot Mocha.... I was so insanely hyper and that lasted a good 8 hours or so.
I'm not a big fan of them. You crash hard after a couple hours! I'd rather have some vitamin water or a dew!