Anyone ever done it? I put in for the draw this year for the 2nd time and I'm hoping I'll get pulled, doubt it, but I'm going to try. If I don't get it, I might try and do a trip out to Colorado for archery season.
This will be my thrid time of puttting in for it along with my teenage son. If we don't get drawn I will keep trying for a while longer.
I put in for a tag in 2013 and was drawn, first year putting in and got a cow archery tag. From what I remember odds were 1 in 13 for ky residents. I was at the Louisville deer and Turkey Expo over the weekend and noticed that you could now enter for gun and archery bull and cow tags. So instead of the usual 2 entries now you can enter for all 4.
Second year entering for the archery tags. I know a few guys that put in on here but haven't seen anyone draw. Mark from got a cow tag. You can read up about it on his site.
I don't think the odds are anywhere near that high...Got a buddy who lives in KY has put in every year since they started allowing hunts, still waiting to get drawn.."However, when it comes to playing the elk tag lottery, you might be better off at Churchill Downs. According to the Fish and Wildlife Department, last year 1- 134 resident applications was drawn for an antlered gun tag (for nonresidents it was 1 in 627). Resident antlerless archery hopefuls had the best chance: one in 13." You could always just buy a Governors tag [I think that is what they are call] but you better get out the BIG check book..
Live in the state and have been putting in forever it seems and have never even got a sniff of a tag as far as I know. I think the odds of a bull tag are fairly low whether bow or gun for resident. Non-resident only get 10% of available tags which is about 900 to 1,000/year split between gun and archery seasons and cow and bull. Since fewer people put in for cow tags they have a higher probablility of getting drawn. Tough to get a tag.