WOW , that is one Big Bull . His bugle was awesome , i love hearing that sound ..... got the old blood pumping lastyear when we were in the woods .
Thats an awesome video. Did you hear about 6 min in it sounded like branches and stuff breaking? I wondered if it was two bulls fighting?
wow - never been, but that video makes me want it even more...all that bugling at close range has to be amazing!
As if I need ANYTHING to make me think about elk more often. If I'd have shot one that big I would have needed a "Stan Potts, give me a moment" moment.
I can remember Myself and Will( iamyourHuckleberry )bumping a cow at 8yds and 5x6 last year 15-20 yds away ( in deep cover hidden by fallen tree's ) , Will turned to me and said " i am really Pi$$ed off right now " and me .... i was gobsmacked , sweating , shaking and happy to just get that close . I will hunt nothing else till i get my Elk , you heard it here .