Sounds like another solid conspiracy. Should have planned to go after the election. Sent from my iPhone using Forums
The guy from Texas deserves a kick in the sack. It's not too hard to figure out that you need to stay home when not feeling well. But, at lease you are able to salvage a hunt out of the trip. Good luck!
That would have been a trip I would have been so stoked about to hit the road on. What a blow. Glad you guys can still get out in the woods and make something happen. Good luck
Well at least you're not turning around and driving home to unload. I'm about as done with the COVID crap as anyone and despise wearing a mask but with everyone's panties still wadded up about it, this is the type of stuff people need to pay attention to. If you don't feel good, STAY THE F HOME! You really screw things up for a lot of other people. Best of luck in NE!
Some people have the virus but don't show any symptoms. I'm in a high risk group and wear a mask when I'm out in the public which is rare.
I already forsee next years planned hunt to Nebraska for BHOD. I only went to visit a friend in Thatcher, far Northeast Nebraska and have always wanted to do a hunt up there. Amazing landscape.
Got home from Nebraska yesterday afternoon. We tried our hardest, but came up empty-handed. On the 2nd night of our trip I had what would have been the biggest deer I've ever shot at 55 yards, broadside, looking the other way. Just too far for me to feel comfortable with the shot. We spent the next 4 nights trying to get back on him, and saw him once, but weren't able to seal the deal. Such is life! Time to get ready to kill Illinois deer now....
That's what happened to me, the guy I was working with all day burning off fields felt fine and didn't know he'd been exposed. That evening he came down sick. Two days later it hit me. Contagious as all get out, can be extremely mild or extremely rawnchy and seems to be all over the place as far as symptoms. From 100+F temps to two week long headaches, you never know what the junk will throw at a person. My sense of smell is coming back a little finally, still can't taste anything.
Without a doubt, it's some of the best footage we've ever gotten of a mature whitetail. He's an absolute unit and we had him at under 100 yards for almost 45 minutes before dark. Guaranteed he was well over 250 lbs and his neck looked like mid November, not mid September. He just wasn't moving very fast or far, and took a trail that didn't bring him close enough for a shot. But he was certainly fun to watch out in the wide open for that long. We saw a lot of deer, including at least 4 different shooters during our trip. By the last night we thought we had them pretty well figured out and moved in for the kill - only to have the farmer combine within feet of where these bucks were bedding. By the time we slipped in and hung our stands in 85 degree heat there wasn't enough time to adjust and go somewhere else. So we sat there feeling like we were "this close", but came up a day late and a dollar short. It was frustrating, but it's also what makes bowhunting so much fun when it all comes together.
I hope you know how much I and many others on this site admire your adherence to your ethical standards. Now having seen a pic of Wow.
as a nebraska resident i respect you not taking the long shot, now if you could direct me to that deers last know where abouts. thanks