I just watched this on Hunter's Specialties, it was cool, I have only seen it one other time...How many you elk hunters have done this? it looks cool, that is a big target that close!
Very first morning three years ago of my very first elk hunt ever... I had a spike bull (spike being relative as its spikes were three and a half feet long!) standing DIRECTLY under me as I overlooked a wallow five minutes after shooting light. To say they look huge from that angle is an understatement!!
I have always thought about hanging a stand to hunt out of, but for elk hunting I prefer to be more mobile. I tend to hunt the last week of the season, but do think this would be a great strategy for the early season
I would love to take an elk out of a treestand. We watched that same show while in Wyoming on our hunt. I was over a water hole with 3 trees next to it, a virtual forest in the middle of the prairie. I told the outfitter I'd love to hang a stand and shoot a Pronghorn over the water hole. Of course this is after I was tagged out. LOL
I watch an episode of Lee & Tiffany's show where Lee was in a treestand over a water hole hunting elk. At this point I just want to hunt elk and not really picky about it being either spot n stalk or treestand. :D
When I hunted the Fort Peck area In Montana I brought one of my tree stands along. I could've easily hung one up and tried It out on the water holes but I didn't do It. I was having too much fun chasing elk around on foot!!:D