i got some time today to shoot at the range. and this is my thought on the i34 DRAW the draw cycle reminds me of the Hoyt alphaburner. when drawing the i34 back it break over in the valley about the last 1/2" for my draw length (29.5") and then holds like a dream. now it will take me some time to get use to it because my last bow was a 2014 e-35. V-GRIP the v-grip help me with better hand placement every time. the triangle shape in the grip put my knuckle of the pointer finger in the same spot every time so i know if my grip is off. the grip is A LITTLE sensitive to hand torque (i'm one to look at the level in the sight befor i shoot) so letting my hand relax and light finger pressure is the key with the v-grip. i can see this bow beaning the all time favorites bow for elite shooters. yes it's that dam good!
I have an Elite E35 and I love the draw cycle and back wall. How does the Impulse compare? Blessings........Pastorjim
The elites are bad to the bone but right now they are a lil out of my price range but I want to get one
If you don't mind buying used I'll bet you could pick one up pretty reasonable on AT classifieds. Blessings..........Pastorjim
I will be shooting the Impulse 31 for hunting this fall. As of now, I am purchasing an energy 35 for my ASA and S3DA tournaments.
How was the noise, vibration and accuracy? These are the reasons I've been shooting an Elite. Just curious how it performed. Thanks!
DRAW the draw cycle reminds me of the Hoyt alphaburner. when drawing the i34 back it break over in the valley about the last 1/2" for my draw length (29.5") now it will take me some time to get use to it because my last bow was a 2014 e-35. V-GRIP the v-grip help me with better hand placement every time. the triangle shape in the grip put my knuckle of the pointer finger in the same spot every time so i know if my grip is off. (i'm one to look at the level in the sight befor i shoot) balance the pin float was little to none hold like a dream (no creep) vibration none but i was shoot Easton bowfire arrow 9.5 g.p.i accuracy great out to 40yds for me. broke 2 arrow, rip off vane one the 3rd arrow i'm shooting this bow better than my 2014 e-35 with stock grip ( side plates) i'm thinking this will be elite best speed bow
Just picked up a impulse 31...can't wait to get it in the field Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums