There is no relationship between the two, they are completly separate manufacturers. But its complicated...
The owner of Elite, used to be Bowtechs "designer"... (Insert drama story here) He no longer is with bowtech and started his own company. Thats the Gossip I've heard anyway.
I could be wrong, but I think he's now the "former" owner. I do believe he sold the business to investors. Can anyone here confirm that?
Elite was sold by Elite archery to Elite outdoors or something like that. I know that Kevin is still the man in charge, leading shareholder maybe? The sale was probably to clear debt or something like that...
Rumor is Kevin's current role is as a "consultant". Elite does seem to have had alot of turmoil in it's first few years of business, but man I tell ya, their bows are awesome!!
He(Kevin Struthers) never owned Elite. His wife kate did, she sold it to a guy(cannot recall the name) who sold it to Elite Sporting/Outddors. Kevin has never "Owned" Elite. He was an owner in Bowtech, but that is another story:d
Regardless of whether he owned it on paper, he was the owner in everyone's eyes. I'm sure a non-compete of some sort kept him from being the owner on paper, and lack of capital kept them from growing the company properly. Now that's its been sold to people who I'm assuming have additional resources it will be interesting to see how well/fast they grow. I know my local shop is carrying them now, and they look/feel like very nice bows.
I had an Elite 500, and sold it for what I paid for it after owning it a year. The LH models are rare. Elite makes a fine bow, but I did not like the Revolution cam system, if I had a chance to shoot it before I would have never bought it. It's a very fast but "stiff" system for me. When I had the bow back it felt like it wanted to go off, I could never get relaxed or settled when shooting it. I ordered the GTO(which I shot), got swtich to GT500 and it came the wrong color after 8 months on order. Now knowing what I know today, I would order a 60lb bow. Let's just say my Elite experiance was less than "Elite" At times I shot the GT500 great, it was a tack driver for sure, but I just could not get consistant with the bow. Indoor league I average 341 out 360 for 6 rounds(60 arrows a round) with the GT500. My now defunck Orginal Ross bow I average 354 for 6 rounds(60 arrows a round).