Seen something kinds neat the other day while hunting with my son. We called in a hen down a quad trail, and as she came in there was a big Crow following her on the ground everywhere. Even if she got in some weeds the crow would jump and down three feet behind her as if maby trying to see her nest/eggs perhaps. I had never seen this before, the thing was three feet behind her at all times any one else noticed this before just neat, and thought id share!
Neat. I saw a video clip where a hen went NUTS on a redtail coming after her poults. I wonder if one would do the same on a craw after her nest?
I just wonder how many critters including crows destroy nest/eggs for food!!! I bet it a staggering number, but hey, they got to eat to. I even had a crow swoop down right over my decoys back about an hour before i shot my bird this year. Rybo, id like to have seen that in person, that had to be neat!!