Protein bars...I eat every three bar and I am done inside of 60 three hours please!!!!!!
i usually take some beef jerky or a turkey sandwich, a protein bar (which i break into bite sized pieces beforehand) and a few of the bite-sized snickers (unwrapped). They help keep the blood sugar level, keep me more alert and also keep the blood flowing/metabolism going so you stay warmer longer. water to sip on. Harder for me to pee when up in the tree and harnessed in, unlike for you men!
I ALWAYS take food with me. Usually protein bars. I try to sit all day as often as possible so I'm certainly taking food with me. Also, I've had TONS of deer walk in on me while I'm eating. That's the biggest down side to me...not being ready.
I sit all day only once or twice a year - just because I'm off work and I enjoy it...and saw my hottest rut activity last year on this sit, two best bucks of season were at 12:20 and 1:10 - on public land which is typical as nobody else is in woods at that time. PB sandwich, Apple, snickers, and always Peanut M&M...with bottle of Propel. Other long hunts of 4-6 hours it just a snickers and water/propel.
I make homemade trail mix using dry roasted almonds, dried cranberries, dried pineapple, chocolate chips, and maybe some unsalted cashews. I buy bulk and this is my main staple on stand all day long. I bring a water bottle and maybe a 'healthy energy drink' as well but I try not to drink much as it causes dancing in the tree when there is a deer nearby and your bladder is stretching at 300 psi. Oh yeah I eat apples a lot as a substitute for water and a sort of breath neutralizer after eating the trail mix. That protein shake idea is great too!!!
eating is what breaks up my time in the woods, i'll sit for an hr, then stand for an hr. after every shift i'll have a lil' snack. bite size candy/granola bars are great just cause halloween is always close! longer sits i'll have a sandwhich, pee in a bottle. best feeling in the world... when you shoot a deer EARLY in the AM and then you can eat your lunch/snacks early!!!!!!!!!!! ha
just keep it simple, with simple foods and beverages, so your not crawling up and down your treestand like a monkey having to go to the bathroom every 1/2 hour. us guys can get away with an empty bottle!
During the pre-rut/rut, when I do only dark to dark hunts, I have to eat. I can't imagine sitting for 12 hrs without eating. That would surely make for a miserable hunt. I'll bring a samitz, Gatorade, and of course a big SNICKERS or two!
Bow season it's fried Spam on Rye samiches and Little Debbies to get me through. Gun season = all day sits. Fried Chicken in tin foil heated up on a can of Sterno. Also heating up water for "Cup-O-Soup" really helps on a cold day.
Depends, usually I'll have a couple of pbj's some trail mix, jerky, granola/breakfast bars, fig newtons. If I'm going in deep I'll bring an mre and my always present camel-back. As long as your not making all kinds of noise and the food isn't really stinky, i.e. peppers/onions, etc. you'll be ok.
Ohh man there is nothing worse than sitting in a stand starving i always get down for lunch and bring a sandwich if im gonna sit all day plus for me if i get bored i want to eat
Start w/ a salad, followed up by a 16oz steak w/ some sweet potatoes, onions, and mushrooms, followed by some dessert and coffee/tea. Seriously, big fan of nuts, especially almonds, peanuts, and cashews. Natural peanut butter is awesome on so many levels.
I haven't ever hunted from dark to dark mainly because my butt starts hurting from the hanging stand seat(not to comfortable) but if I did I would have to bring something to eat with me. What kind of stand are y'all sitting in to be able to sit all day? Dusty
I do quite a bit of dark to dark sitting during the rut. Like most everyone else who has weighed in my food options are generally a plain turkey sandwich, a couple of apples, and a candy bar or two. I carry two 1 liter bottles of water in my pack. When the first one is empty that serves as my pee bottle for the rest of the sit. The only time I usually get down if it is very cold and I need to warm my toes a bit, then I'll do a bit of still hunting back the way I came into the stand. As a public land hunter who will shoot only does and mature buck, it is not uncommon for me to spend dawn to dusk in the stand. On Sundays I do check the football scores on my phone, though. @Dusty - I use a Loggy Bayou Monarch XL and alternate between standing and sitting throughout the day.
I always eat when I'm sitting all day. I try to stick to high proteins and sugars that don't have a ton of scent. Peanut butter sandwich, apple, granola bar, and a bottle of water. If I have to take a leak, I don't get down. Just try to keep it quiet. If I have to drop a deuce, I go at least 100 yards down wind, dig a little hole, and go. I bring a small roll of tp with me. Can be used when following a bloodtrail.