Should I use the HIT insert or get some deep six inserts? Do I need some BAR if I use the HIT insert? Thoughts and feedback are once again immensely appreciated!
Depends on the broadhead if you will need a BAR or not. I know I don't need it for the killzone a. It's just if the blades rest directly on the shaft. As for the HIT vs the D6 I like the hit very much and don't see a big difference. Plus with the D6 you will need to buy new broadheads Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
I use HIT and I like them over the D6. I think the HIT inserts allow the arrow to penetrate farther in and through the deer. I have had more pass thru shots since I have been using the HIT than any other arrow I have shot. Easton Axis are a Hard Hitting arrow!
I liked the Axis with the HIT inserts except it seemed that out of every half dozen I had a flyer or two. I have since switched to the bloodlines and have no such problem. The Axis do hit hard though.