Where can I buy these fancy HIT (Hidden Insert Technology) practice tips? They are not "combo" tips, are they?? I tried looking, but I can't seem to find them anywhere. Help!!
i dont think I had to buy any special tips for the inserts. the HIT part is just the insert I think. Any screw in head of any kind should work. Hope this answered your question.
those are just the inserts for the tips to screw in. there called HIT because they are down inside the arrow vs being up at the tip where you can see it. Any tip will screw into the hit system.
http://www.eastonarchery.com/store/product/58 These are the tips designed specifically for that arrow and I HIGHLY recommend them. Any 17/64 diameter tip will work. Good luck.
No problem, the weight depends on your setup and what you'd like. You'll need the 17/64 diameter... they fit perfectly flush with the axis 340 shaft and have no overhang in either direction. Give me the specs of your setup and we can figure out a tip weight.
thanks mate!!! Huge help! I think i'm sticking with 100g. Its for a 28 1/2 monster set around 68ish. It will also shoot lightweight feathers without wraps. I'm so pumped......can't wait! thanks again bro!!
sticking with 100g because of easy broadhead selection. However, I wouldn't mind trying those 80 or 90's for target.