I've seen threads before about strange happenings from the stand, but this certainly tops my list... http://m.news9.com/story.aspx?story=23861667&catId=112032 Yeaterday, The alarm had gone off at 4:30 and I was laying in bed thinking about getting up when the first one shook... Wife and I synchronously said 'earthquake!' They have been happening more frequently here. It's anti amerikan to talk about why their frequency and intensity has increased, so we'll save that for a water cooler thread... Anyway, so I proceed with my morning, meet my buddy for breakfast, head to stand, get up the tree and start getting settled about 7 and another one hits. Big boom like an explosion, trees shaking throughout the forest... At first I thought my stand had shifted, or I had made a stupid move and was falling, vertigo waved through the 5 second event and I had to sit for a few minutes with deep breaths and then proceeded getting settled - bow pulled up, etc. I texted my buddy who didn't feel it. He was still walking into his setup on the other end of the property. The morning sit was uneventful and quiet until a little after 9 when another one rumbled! This one was stronger and actually centered pretty close to where I was hunting in the OKC city limits. Again, a loud rumbling boom, trees shaking, leaves falling, I'm grabbing for a handhold as the tree is swaying & vibrating. This event lasted for about 10 seconds. My buddy is texting me immediately, 'holy cow did you feel that!' Yup! There were apparently smaller ones throughout the day that I did not feel. Saw no deer yesterday but the morning was pretty exciting from the tree in the woods!
That's nuts but glad you were ok and didn't get shook out of the tree Sent from my RM-845_nam_vzw_100 using Tapatalk