Discussion in 'Bowhunting Talk' started by NCcrittergitter, Sep 15, 2009.
Nice!!! Very nice shot, congratulations
Congats!!! Nice doe
awesome shot!
Congrats man!
Way to go NCCG! I can't wait until Saturday!
congrats.. nice shot
congrats on a nice doe great job!!!!!!!!!!!! :D
That a boy, congratulation's stud!!!!
Beautiful shot, NC! Congrats!
Congrats on the doe !! Tim
Nice shot NCcrittergitter.
Well done, Congrats! Good shooting!
SWEEEEEEEEEET!!!!! CONGRATS!!!!!!!!! We are on the board! With many more to come:D NICE SHOT!!!!!!
Great job. Congrats.
Congrats, nice shot. Where in NC do you hunt.
This is a Yadkin County deer, but I hunt Surry, Wilkes, Yadkin, and Alleghany.
Holler next time your in Surry or Alleghany, we'll meet up or something.
Separate names with a comma.