I went scouting the other day and found a BUNCH of scrapes and a couple of trails. I'm new to this so aside from there being several deer in the area is there and needing to find their travel routes what else can I learn from this?
I would determine likely food sources (for each season, especially fall) and look for bedding areas. Pay attention to hoof size and stride length, as it can give you an idea of how many different deer. One deer or a small group can make a lot of sign in a small area in a small amount of time. Looking at Droppings can help tell you # of deer, size of deer and food sources, but it's trickier. Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
Thanks for the info! I went back out after I posted this and found a couple of likely food sources near a well worn trail along with another trail from the bedding area to the food sources and a big stream. About the droppings, I'm guessing pebble like droppings mean it's a doe and large droppings mean it's a buck??