What's the over under on Dubs.... The "line" has been set at shooting and recovering a 130 gross buck in the OH-IO while running around with me the evening of Oct 28th through the evening of Nov 1st? Let's call it 70%-30% public to private land on hunting location. Opinions and ball busting needed :D
I probably see between 5 and 12 bucks per year (depends on the year) in the 120+ range with the lions share of them between 120-130 gross. Last year for example I probably saw 5 in the 120-130 range and two 140 plus. Hope that helps? Edit My best year for big buck sightings was 2005, I saw 8 bucks between 135ish and 155ish. (7 of the 8 on public land) Last year was my worst season for 130+ buck sightings since 2004.
If you know the land and our going to be "guiding" Dubbs (which is a scary thought:D), I'll give him a 65% chance at being successful.
Slim to none if it is anything like hunting hogs in Oklahoma. :D But, because you are a much better guide.....I'd say his chances are 50%
Pretty disappointed in the severe lack of ball busting on Dubs here :D It's time you all let him know how you REALLY feel
Buckeye, I was gonna say about a 40% chance. But then I realized you are the one guiding Dubs and decided to change it to 5%. :D Whoops...busted the wrong balls!
0% chance. Midwest bucks simply won't allow death by a pink arrow. :D Ok, I'll give 60% he sees a shooter, 25% he kills one. Unless he breaks out his new acorn cruncher call.....then its a slam dunk.
If you can keep Dubs off the hard stuff :D Ill give him a 50% chance. If you take away his fresh veggie fetish he will whine to no end, making him loose focus giving him a 35% chance If you make him live on chef boyardy and burritos, he will likely lock up and not even hunt 0% :D Take care of the boy, would ya??
0% Chance assuming that your seeking revenge for that hog guiding job you got a few months back... 50% assuming that you realize its actually YOUR fault for choosing suck a slack of a guide in the first place, thus you figure you might as well make HIS trip not a total waste of time!
Well, that depends. Are you guys actually going to get up in the morning and hunt? That did seem to be an issue a few months ago......
Well, that sounds heroic enough. I gotta feeling though, that while you may indeed manage to keep him off the sauce while he's there........Unless you guys can run on an hour or 2 of sleep for days in a row........I got 20 bucks says you miss at least 1 morning.