Well guys as most of you know by know Todd P is dateing one of the |Droptine |Divas, well they are off to a great start beacuse here is Tara from the Divas with her buck kill from last night in Wisconsin..Walt
Holy shiznit! Look and the bases on that thing. It looks like he deformed his own head by growing such huge antlers :d A big congrats to her. Awesome job and awesome buck!
That is awsome. That thing has a ton of points on it. Really hope we will get to see that on the next video!! Way to go Tara!!
Awesome deer, Walt! Good-lookin' shot placement on top of it. I guess I've been out of the loop... fill me in. Who are the Droptine Divas?
Well they are living up to their name. Look at the drop off the base on that thing. Incredible buck. Congrats.
Great group of girls!!! We had alot of fun party at the shows with them and they are some serious hunters as you can see!! Walt