Do you guys n gals that use them when sitting on stand do you keep the rest down or up? Last year was my first year using one and I always sat with the rest in the up position. I know it defeats the purpose of the draw pulling it up but no need on my end for a arrow holder. Here is the rest I currently have and this is how I have it while on stand. T
I dont actually but it just the way this product works. I just manually pull it up and keep it like that.
I put mine in the up position prior to drawing. I find it distracting when my arrow "jumps up" during draw.
I have the exact same rest, and I love it. The reason I purchased it is so that it is up when I draw. Do not need an arrow holder or pad, it can't rattle against the riser, and you can't shake it off. I would buy it again in a heartbeat.
My rest is automatically in the down position w/the pinchers holding the arrow, when u draw back it raises and opens the pinchers.
If there's an arrow on my string the QAD is in the cocked position. No reason to use it any other way. Funny, the editor changes c0cked to roostered!
Tony I like mine in the up position (rip cord) I just cant get used to the looks of it laying on the shelf, it makes the knock look way out of square
Mine stays in the up position untill the fletching reaches it and then it slams out of the way and resets once the fletching clears.
I have the QAD pro on both my bowtechs. I put it in the up position when I'm hunting. I have, when not hunting, drawn the bow back and had the arrow plop off the side of the rest instead of staying in it. Having it 'roostered' eliminates the slim possibility of that happening when hunting.
It's the Vital Gear Kazaway rest. Here's a pic of it. I absolutely love it. A friend of mine actually had it first. I was so impressed I bought it.
Tony, I agree with everyone else. Keep the rest locked in the up position and you will limited a myriad of problems that could occur when not doing so! In conclusion, I like mine in the up position as well Blood!
Is this the ULTRA-REST HUNTER? I have been thinking of going to a different drop away this year. Would you guys recommend this one? I see they only cost about $50 so the price is right.